Category "airlines"

How to buy one airplane seat and reserve adjacent ones?

On an overnight flight from Boston to Chile 4 or 5 years ago, I ran into a situation I hadn't encountered previously. My seat wasn't great and the flight was p

Confused about the baggage fee for different airlines

I purchased a ticket from It's an Iberia flight from Casablanca, Morocco to Charlotte, NC with a layover in Madrid. Although it's an Iberia ticket,

What does BAG at the beginning of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines' Customer and Product Record mean?

As in: --- BAG --- CUSTOMER AND PRODUCT RECORD 1 LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME ... Does it mean something like Beginning of Document? I think that they are using

Does any airline in the world allow air travel without government identification?

It seems that pretty much every airline requires at least one form of government identification for flights, even if it's a local flight within a single country

When's the best time to fly with kids [closed]

I'm about to take my son on a trip overseas, should I book a early morning flight or book a afternoon flight ? Taking in the time difference w

Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?

When trains are cancelled (at least in Europe), and there are no alternative ways to get travellers to their destination by train a little bit later, there are

Which airlines ban the use of Knee Defenders during flight?

I read that some airlines such as United Airlines ban the use of Knee Defenders during flight. Is there any comprehensive list of airlines that ban the use of K

Does British Airways allow the use of KneeDefenders? [duplicate]

Yesterday a United Flight from Newark to Denver was forced to divert to Chicago's O'Hare airport after a fight broke out between two passenger

How to know a flight is not full?

Is it possible to know how many seats on a particular flight have been booked? If not, is it possible to know in which months of a year the flights usually are

Missing Flight Check In

I arrived at the check in desk 5 minutes (literally) late for 'check in' and was given the standard 'nothing we can do' speech. Well, what can I do? How would

Why can two different airlines have different travel durations for the same itinerary?

I am looking at flights from Boston to Paris and I see that there are two non-stop flights with different travel duration: For this itinerary, Air France tak

How does one inform airlines of one's KTN, if the KTN was issued after a booking had been made?

I have received a Known Traveler Number (KTN) from the TSA but do not know how to "activate" this pre-check authorization with various airlines. Is it possibl

List all non-stop flights between any European city and city X? [duplicate]

My friend was asking "from which European cities can you fly non-stop to Mumbai?" Similarly I'd like to know all cities in Europe with non-st

Why Airfares vary from One Airline company to another? [closed]

I tried to book a ticket in British Airways but because of the 'Fare' i opted Fly emirates. I know this might sound dumb, but is it due the av

Any website that gather ongoing and upcoming strikes amongst airlines?

A few weeks ago how to buy a flight ticket from Boston to Paris. I had to choose between Air France and Delta. Luckily a few friends of mine lives in Paris warn

How to earn Qatar airways air miles without actually flying

I would like to make a round trip on Qatar Airways economy between Montreal (YUL) and Kolkata (CCU). Now this would cost me 85000 miles. What is the cheapest w

May an airline change the aircraft from the scheduled one?

In a recent flight between Istanbul and Madrid, the carrier (Turkish Airlines) changed in Istanbul the aircraft that should get to our destination before leavin

Why are so many airline check-in counters idle so often?

There was a time when queues at post offices and banks etc were counter-specific. Eventually it was widely recognised that a penning system (a Single-Line queue

Why is plane boarding done at the last minute, with everyone suddently queueing at the gate?

Every time I come to the airport and arrive to the boarding gate, the same scenario occurs. All passengers are sitting in the area, until boarding is announced.

If my Schengen visa starts on the day of arrival which is one day ahead of departure, would they let me get into the plane?

I have a question, I applied for the Schengen visa through Germany, on the form they ask me when I'd arriving (to Germany) and when I'd returning. they take thi