Category "greenland"

Where could I find Greenland maps?

I'm trying to find Greenland road or main trail maps. Also, if there are ferry lines that join Greenland cities it will be very useful. Any link?

How to get from Iceland to Greenland?

I'm planning to go to Iceland this summer. Since I've never been so close to Greenland before (except on a plane), I'm thinking about going to Greenland too. Is

Can you actually do a road-trip in Greenland?

There is of course the epic Top Gear episode where they went for the North Pole. I came across this short youtube film on some driving the only "freeway" in G

Flights to Greenland - seasonal ex-North America?

I'm looking to go from Canada/US to visit Greenland & Iceland (very tentative plans), but am having trouble finding flights. It seems that there's generall

Is it possible to get from Canada to Greenland by road or ferry?

Are there any roads (or ferry service) that would allow a person to travel from Canada to Greenland without taking a plane?

Getting from Canada to Greenland without flying [duplicate]

Is there a way for me to get to Greenland from Canada without flying? Basically I'm looking for it to be as cheap as possible.

How busy are the Faroe Islands during summer compared to Iceland?

Having been to Iceland a few times, I know how extremely busy it can get in the summer, especially in the south. Last summer I was in Greenland and I really enj