Category "tourist-traps"

What are some good ways to find things to explore on-site in an unfamiliar place?

When traveling, one of my favorite things to do is simply explore the local area and see what's going on. I do enjoy guided tours on some occ

How do you avoid "tourist traps" when traveling to a country where you do not speak the language?

Too many easily accessible restaurants and attractions cater heavily to tourists, and, in doing so, create an environment that they feel will be comfortable to

In Rome, are some days less busy than others?

I'm spending a couple of weeks in Rome in July, and I'm thinking about how to schedule the things I want to do. I appreciate that this is the high season, and e

What are more authentic places in London, as opposed to the ones overcrowded with tourists? [closed]

My friend has just arrived to London and she's trying to find some city areas to explore that are not yet overcrowded by tourists. She's looki

What precautions should travelers take in Spain/France?

On my last visit in Milano Italy, i went to the Duomo. It was the first day of my trip, and definitely the worst. On the second I stepped out the subway, "Touri

Which are places in Germany that a traveler should visit? [closed]

What are places in Germany -Hanover and some cities around it- that you recommend people to visit? Like this art museum in Essen. EDIT: I d

Boracay over Chinese New Year

I've been invited to go to Boracay over Chinese New Year. Generally I've avoided Boracay as it is a tourist spot and that really isn't my thing. I also know a l

Is there a monument I can visit in Ecuador that marks the center of the earth?

Today I've read that the center of the earth is in Ecuador. Is this true? Obviously the equator goes through Ecuador, but how can the surface of a sphere have a

Avoiding tourist traps while still having fun in Sint Maarten

I will be in Sint Maarten (Saint Martin). I am not so interested in the beaches, but I do like sailing. I also like good food (looking forward to the French res

What is the business model of commercial free walking tours?

For instance, Sandeman's runs free walking tours all over Europe. One or two every day of the year, good local guides, and the only payment is tips at the end.

How can I avoid being overcharged when taking a cab?

I've heard that taxis will frequently scam foreigners by overcharging. How can I reduce the chance of this happening?

How do I become a better tourist guide for my own city or country?

I'm planning a trip to Melbourne, which is only a short plane trip away from Sydney, and currently I'm planning on using the same information sources to plan my

How do you choose a restaurant when travelling?

When travelling almost everyone wants to enjoy a local meal. It's part of the travelling experience. If you're not careful, you may end up in an expensive, "ext

Where can I find authentic areas in Canary islands? [closed]

I am going on a trip to the Canary Islands and I have heard that it is quite commercial in some areas. Does anyone know of the authentic and

Which city to visit in Mexico closest to Texas border [closed]

While asking this question : Requirements to drive to Mexico from USA I realized I would be better off asking this question first. While driv

How can I find good classical music concerts in Vienna?

I am looking for good concerts in Vienna. I heard there are a lot of tourist traps around. Specially from sellers in the street "dressed up as Mozart". I heard

How to choose a cafe/coffee shop when travelling?

Sometimes when travelling, you discover there's only one place doing coffee, so you don't have a lot of choice. In other cases, there's no where at all, so you

Examples of higher prices charged to tourists vs. locals [closed]

I want to show my inexperienced travel partner in a fun way how local businesses often charge higher prices to tourists. There was this fun b

Rome - circumventing ticket lines. Is it even possible?

We are two non-european adults over the age of 30 spending 4 days between the 10th and the 14th of Aug 2014 in Rome, Italy. Given our nationalities and age, we

Costume photo booth in San Francisco

I don't even know what these exhibits are called, but generally, it's a shop in a touristy area where you can try on all kinds of different costumes, and then h