Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula?

Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula? - People Riding on Horses

When traveling to another country I like to try on their local dress, if one is still prevalent in the local culture. For example when traveling to Ukraine I sometimes put on my Vyshivanka, in Central Asia I might put on a tubeteika and in Jerusalem a kippa is more than appropriate.

Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner (who is not Muslim) to wear the thawb/thobe dress in the Arabian peninsula?

Pictures about "Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula?"

Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula? - Man Climb on Steel Bar
Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula? - Bossy female employee in formal wear sitting on chair in workplace and demonstrating frivolous and unprofessional behavior while looking away
Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula? - Man Wearing Blue Stripe Button-up Collared Shirt

Who is allowed to wear a Thawb?

Can only muslims wear the thawb? The thawb is a timeless piece of clothing that can be worn by everyone. We welcome men from all backgrounds or social status to wear the thawb.

Can non Muslims wear a Thawb?

\u201cIf it were prescribed in the Quran or hadiths, you would see it everywhere that Muslims live,\u201d Soltani said. \u201cIt is traditional clothing in the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula, and it is worn by non-Muslims in those areas, too.\u201d

Is it offensive to wear an Arab costume?

I'm an Arab and I like it when tourists wear our traditional clothing. It is not offensive at all. I believe it shows the tourists' appreciation of our culture and heritage.

Can foreigners wear Kandura?

Yes you can wear it no problem at all.

#QTip: can foreigners wear thobes?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi, Andrea Piacquadio, Andrea Piacquadio, Roy Reyna