Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer?

Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer? - Man Swimming with Shark

I am searching for dive centers which offer shark diving in Asia in summer and read may I find them in Thailand. As it can cost a notable amount of money for me to travel there and come back I want to be sure I will see sharks there through my dives.

Could you tell me about a dive center or dive centers in Thailand which can provide such experience for me 100% in the summer months?

Pictures about "Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer?"

Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer? - Shark near Diver under Water
Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer? - Man in Black Wetsuit Diving Near Shark
Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer? - A Diver Near the Shark Under Water

Where is the best place to dive with sharks?

Shark Diving: The 13 Best Dive Sites in the World
  • Bajo Alcyone \u2013 Cocos Island, Costa Rica. ...
  • Monad Shoal \u2013 Malapascua, Philippines. ...
  • Gordon Rocks \u2013 Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. ...
  • Tiger Beach \u2013 Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas. ...
  • Pip\xedn \u2013 Jardines de la Reina, Cuba. ...
  • Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. ...
  • Shark Dive \u2013 Beqa Lagoon, Fiji.

  • Can you go shark diving in Thailand?

    In Thailand, the chances of diving with whale sharks is not bad. The best places for Whale sharks in Thailand are Koh Tachai and the Richelieu Rock, which can best be reached on diving safaris to the Similans, which depart from our diving base in Pak Meng, as well as in the south at Koh Haa, Hin Daeng and Hin Muang.

    Can you free dive with sharks?

    The best part about freediving is anyone can do it. It requires minimal gear and people of all ages can participate. I love taking local kids out to see sharks and giving them the opportunity to freedive with the animals.

    Can you touch sharks while diving?

    Julie Andersen says that, while touching sharks used to fuel her drive for conservation, she is not an advocate for divers touching sharks. Is it OK to touch a shark? While it may be tempting, Julie Andersen of Shark Angels says that divers should resist the urge to touch sharks.

    5 YR OLD Scuba Dives with GREAT WHITE SHARKS in Mexico!!

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Daniel Torobekov, Pexels User, Diego Sandoval, Walter Torres