Where on earth can I book fun dive with hot water suit?

Where on earth can I book fun dive with hot water suit? - Woman in Red and Black Jacket Standing on Brown Sand

Is there a place on earth which offers hot water suits for tourists?

I like watching Bering Sea Gold, and I'd like to experience how it is to dive in ice cold water with hot water suit. But for fun, as a tourist. Is there a scuba diving center that offers such experience?

Best Answer

I can't prove a negative, but I got diving certified in a very cold country where ice diving with dry suits is common, and I've never heard of recreational hot water suit diving.

Unlike regular wetsuits and drysuits, a hot water suit requires an umbilical cord connected to a support ship capable of dependably supplying the hot water. This makes the ship itself a part of the diver's life-critical support system, and places diving with one squarely in the realm of commercial diving. Buoyancy control, movement etc are also considerably complicated by litres of water sloshing around inside your suit plus the risk of getting tangled up in the umbilical. All in all, it's very much an advanced diving technique and not something you can or should attempt without extensive training.

Pictures about "Where on earth can I book fun dive with hot water suit?"

Where on earth can I book fun dive with hot water suit? - Woman in Blue and White Plaid Shorts Lying on Gray Sand
Where on earth can I book fun dive with hot water suit? - Man and Woman Sitting on Chair in Front of Table
Where on earth can I book fun dive with hot water suit? - Sensual blonde in bikini chilling in pool

Where is the best place in the world to scuba dive?

Raja Ampat, Alor, Komodo \u2013 Indonesia The Indonesian Republic is regularly voted as the best place in the world to scuba dive. The country consists of more than 13,000 islands, each having its own distinct identity both above and below the water.

Which Season is the best for scuba diving?

Diving Season: October to May is the best diving season, with lower rainfall, calmer seas, and better visibility. Skill Level: Some experience in stronger currents is recommended.

How deep can scuba divers go?

A recreational diving limit of 130 feet can be traced back decades. The deepest your typical recreational scuba diver can go is 130 feet. In order to venture further and explore wrecks, caves and other sites beyond 130 feet, these agencies \u2014 such as PADI, NAUI and SSI \u2014 require \u201ctechnical\u201d certifications.

What is a hot water suit for diving?

By pumping hot water down to the diver and allowing it to circulate inside the suit, working divers can get more done underwater without the added stress of getting cold. Made with the highest-grade materials the DUI hot water suit is built to last and live up to the harshest of underwater environments.

Norther. Diver Hot Water Suit

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Images: MART PRODUCTION, MART PRODUCTION, RODNAE Productions, Andrea Piacquadio