Can a missing Schengen entry stamp on UK passport cause problems elsewhere?

Can a missing Schengen entry stamp on UK passport cause problems elsewhere? - Woman in Blue and White Crew Neck Shirt

I am a dual EU/UK citizen (recently naturalized in the UK). Since the end of the Brexit transition period, I have tried to collect stamps in my UK passport. I travel frequently between the EU and the UK, and sometimes ask the European immigration officers to stamp my British passport. They ask if it is a souvenir, to which I say yes, and very kindly and smiling they stamp it. In two cases though (Switzerland and Italy) I didn't get an entry stamp, either because I was using the automatic gates with my EU passport or because the line behind me was too long and I didn't want to hold up the people behind. I did get an exit stamp when leaving those countries though.

My question is: Would a Schengen exit stamp in my UK passport without the corresponding entry stamp cause a problem if I travel to (say) Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, or Canada? Or would foreign immigration officials just not care about Schengen entry/exit stamp?

(I always carry my other passport with me, so I'd be able to prove that I am an EU citizen and don't need a stamp anyway, and those I have have been affixed on request.)

Pictures about "Can a missing Schengen entry stamp on UK passport cause problems elsewhere?"

Can a missing Schengen entry stamp on UK passport cause problems elsewhere? - A Grayscale Photo of an Elderly Man Holding a Wooden Frame
Can a missing Schengen entry stamp on UK passport cause problems elsewhere? - Crop unrecognizable person demonstrating British passport
Can a missing Schengen entry stamp on UK passport cause problems elsewhere? - Person Holding an Opened Passport

Does UK stamp EU passport on entry?

The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office is encouraging Brits make sure their passports are stamped when they enter and leave the EU. The stamps are important because they let border staff know when you entered the EU and when you have left.

Should my passport be stamped when leaving Spain?

Boris Johnson discusses booster jabs for international travel. Britons must check their passport has been stamped when they leave Spain, according to new advice from the UK Government. If their passport is not stamped they could be denied entry on a future visit.

Do you get a stamp in your passport for Switzerland?

When you're going to Europe, most of the time you'll only get your passport stamped upon your flight arrival and departure only. You won't get any stamp while travelling between countries, unless you have non-EU countries in between.

Do they stamp your passport when you leave UK?

2. Re: Do you get a custom stamp when you leave London Airport? Customs do not stamp passports, border control (border police) do. The UK do not have any passport control upon exiting the country as the EU/Schengen has so nobody gets an exit stamp.

UK Nationals Travelling to the EU Post Brexit: Passport Stamps at EU Borders

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Images: Kindel Media, Kindel Media, Ethan Wilkinson, Ekaterina Belinskaya