Regarding exit and enter stamp in passport while leaving entering schengen with an EU temporary resident permit

Regarding exit and enter stamp in passport while leaving entering schengen with an EU temporary resident permit - Number of hotel room on wall

Does anybody know why sometimes they border police stamp the passport while leaving the Schengen and sometimes not? My friend left a schengen country yesterday with the same country temporary resident permit and they did not stamp the passport. He asked and they said that since you have rp you do not need to stamp the passport. My another friend left the schengen with the same country temporary resident permit but from another country. The police stamped the passport? Is it how it works? How about entering? same?

I know with visa they stamped the passport but with rp I do not know the rules.

Best Answer

Does anybody know why sometimes they border police stamp the passport while leaving the schengen and sometimes not?

Because some countries have decided that adding such a stamp serves no useful purpose, but others have decided instead to comply with the provision of the Schengen Borders Code that calls for such passports to be stamped.

The main purpose of the stamps is to record when the passport's bearer entered and left the Schengen area, which is primarily useful to determine whether the person has exceeded the 90/180 rule. But the 90/180 rule doesn't apply to people with residence permits in the country of residence, and there's no tracking when they travel between that country and other Schengen countries, so what's the point of stamping?

In a comment, you ask

If someone a national of third-party country (say India), has for example Italy temporary resident permit, can he stay in his own country more than 90 days in 180 days?

An Indian citizen can spend an indefinite amount of time in India. It's true that a residence permit can become invalid if the bearer is away from the country of residence for a certain amount of time, and passport stamps could be used to establish when someone was outside the Schengen area and therefore away from the country of residence, but other evidence would also be taken into account, so passport stamps are not particularly critical in that regard.

Pictures about "Regarding exit and enter stamp in passport while leaving entering schengen with an EU temporary resident permit"

Regarding exit and enter stamp in passport while leaving entering schengen with an EU temporary resident permit - Spacious hallway of contemporary apartment with beige walls and wide stairway under glowing lamps
Regarding exit and enter stamp in passport while leaving entering schengen with an EU temporary resident permit - Lobby of contemporary apartment in beige color
Regarding exit and enter stamp in passport while leaving entering schengen with an EU temporary resident permit - Gardening spade on wooden terrace

Can I travel to other Schengen countries with residence permit?

A long stay visa or a residence permit issued by a Schengen State allows you to travel or stay in other Schengen States, while respecting the maximum duration of a \u201cshort stay\u201d (a stay of "90 days in any 180 day period").

Is there passport control between Schengen countries?

The Schengen area comprises 26 European countries. There is normally no passport control on the borders between these countries. If you have a valid visa or residence permit in one of these countries, you can also visit the other Schengen countries.

Can I enter Europe with residence permit?

Travellers with residence permits Then you are allowed to be in all countries of the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Besides your passport or other travel document, take your residence permit with you when you travel.

Can I travel to UK with EU residence permit?

You cannot use an EU , EEA or Swiss national ID card to enter the UK unless you: have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, or Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man's settlement schemes. have an EU Settlement Scheme family permit, or the equivalent from Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man.

EU Border Control To Launch Entry-Exit System (EES)

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Max Vakhtbovych, Max Vakhtbovych, Max Vakhtbovych, Greta Hoffman