I have a Schengen visa valid for longer than my allowed duration of stay. Can I ignore the duration and overstay?

I have a Schengen visa valid for longer than my allowed duration of stay. Can I ignore the duration and overstay? - Woman Kissing Another Woman on the Forehead

I have a Schengen visa valid from 19/07/2016 to 10/08/2016. But the duration of stay is 7 days only.

I want to stay for 6 days more, for a total of 14 days. And my flight includes travel from a Schengen state to another.

Best Answer

You have a visa with a day count restriction of 7 days and you want to stay for 14 days.

The answer is yes, people do overstay their visas on occasion, there is not a border guard posted on every street corner checking documents.

The problem comes when you exit the zone and your documents are inspected. At that point your overstay will be discovered and you will be asked for an explanation. Giving a plausible explanation is virtually impossible because of the difficulty in providing representation, in your case it means some tenable evidence. So you'll be booked as an overstayer.

What this means is the possibility of of fine. Perhaps worse, it will be your final visit to the Schengen zone for a long time, on the order of a decade, so enjoy it. Alternatively, you can change your plans or apply for an extension.

The "best practices" advice is to ask the issuer to cancel your Schengen and issue one for a longer period. You would do that before you leave for Europe.

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I have a Schengen visa valid for longer than my allowed duration of stay. Can I ignore the duration and overstay? - I Can and I Will Text On Green Background

What happens if you stay longer than your Schengen visa?

Overstaying the Schengen Visa allowance of 90 days within 180 days is not without consequences. Remaining after the expiry period may constitute a stay without a corresponding residence permit and will be prosecuted in Germany as a criminal or administrative offence.

What happens if you overstay Schengen 90 days?

The Schengen law states that you can't stay in the Area for more than 90 days. If you do, you're subject to a fine and possibly deportation and being banned from re-entering the Schengen Area. How that rule is enforced, though, varies greatly from one country to another.

What does duration of stay mean on Schengen visa?

Simply put, the duration of stay indicates the maximum amount of days you're allowed to visit the Schengen Area. "Day 1" is counted when you first enter the Schengen Area, and your final day is counted as the day you leave the Schengen Area. For example: On your visa, the duration of your stay is 20 days.

What is the maximum duration of stay under Schengen tourist visa?

The Schengen visa is a short stay visa and takes the form of a sticker affixed to the travel document. The definition of \u201cshort stay\u201d is a stay of "90 days in any 180 days period". This means that the total duration of stay is of maximum 90 days, in any period of 180 days.

Overstaying in the Schengen Zone - How to Extend Your Stay in Europe UPDATED

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Answer 2

Schengen visa validity and days are not similar to US's style. In a Schengen single-entry 30-day validity, 7-day stay visa, you have a window of 7 days to stay in Schengen, a window which could start on thr first day of validity, and will close on the last day of validity.

For example, if you enter on the first day of validity, you still have only 7 days to stay. If you enter on the 24th day or after, you still need to come out on the 30th day or early.

It's either validity days, or dates, whichever gets used first. If you already used 7 days, the visa is consumed even if its validity date is still in future. If the visa is expired but you have not used all allowed days, visa is still consumed. Think of a smaller box (duration days) in a larger box (validity). You are free to place the smaller box where ever, but it needs to be inside the bigger box.

Flights between Schengen states are considered as local flights for visa purposes, and only the dates you enter and exit Schengen will be considered.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ketut Subiyanto, ShotPot, Ann H, Tima Miroshnichenko