Entering greece on italian schengen visa

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While i understand this could get tagged as a duplicate question, i still need to ask.

I have a trip planned to greece this june. After booking tickets and hotels( all non refundable) i noticed the greek embassy requires 6 months of valid residency after the date of return from my trip. I have travelled thrice to europe, always entering at the country of issue of visa, never overstayed and always stuck to my itinerary. All the 8 countries i have visited in the past needed 3 months residency, so i did not think twice to check residency validity requirements for greece(my mistake. I know. I know.) So now im certain that i will be refused a visa at the greek embassy due to the residency running out (november) ...7 days short of 6 months.

Hence i would like advice on whether greece allows entry on an italian issued schengen visa. I know a few sch countries are flexible like that since i know a few friends who have faced no issues at all entering other countries as their FIRST PORT OF ENTRY (that did not issue the sch visa). They did not even enter the country that issued the visas. So i am aware that passport control officials may or may not allow entry.

My entire trip is non refundable, else i was prepared to cancel the trip and travel after my residency had a 6 month validity. But now ill lose a lot of money if im not able to travel.

Best Answer

  • You must not misrepresent your itinerary to get a visa (we nickname that 'visa shopping' if it gets you a different consulate). Being caught out can mean your entry is refused and you get a big black mark on your record.
  • Your must broadly stick to your itinerary. You can make adjustments, but only in good faith. This can go as far as changing the country of entry, if you find a better flight, but it must not change the main purpose of your trip.

What the second bullet point means is that yes, you can enter in a different port of entry. They might ask you how you plan to travel on to your official destination. You would have to lie. And that is a very bad idea, not just for moral reasons but because it goes into your file.

Pictures about "Entering greece on italian schengen visa"

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Entering greece on italian schengen visa - Man in Blue Dress Shirt and White Pants Standing Beside Brown Wooden Table

Can I enter Greece with Italian Schengen visa?

Yes. According to the Schengen rules, the Schengen visa is generally valid for all the countries in the Schengen area.

Can I enter Greece with Schengen visa?

Residents of a European country that has signed the Schengen Agreement have travel freedom to Greece for tourism for an indefinite period of time, if they are carrying a National ID Card. Other visa-free states can travel for tourism for up to 90 days by presenting a valid passport at Greek immigration control.

Can I enter France with an Italian Schengen visa?

A Schengen visa (issued by a Schengen State embassy or consulate) is valid for all 26 States in the Schengen area unless indicated otherwise on the visa stamp. If your visa is still valid, you do not need to apply for another visa to visit France.

Can I travel to other Schengen countries with multiple entry visa?

Schengen visas allow to make one-entry, two-entries or multi-entries. With one-entry visa you can travel the Schengen area only once. It is indicated in your visa as \u201c01\u201d. With two-entries or multi-entries you can respectively travel to the Schengen area twice or several times during the visa validity period.

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More answers regarding entering greece on italian schengen visa

Answer 2

If your main destination is Greece, you must apply for a visa from Greece. If you get that you can enter the Schengen area whatever way and wherever you like.

Likewise: If your main destination was Italy and you got a visa from Italy you could enter Schengen through Greece.

If you don't meet the Greek rules, then you shouldn't plan a trip with Greece being the main destination. Sorry, but that's how the rules are.

If you apply to Italy for a visa for a trip where Greece is clearly the main destination, they will probably refuse your visa saying you have to apply to Greece and not even look at the rest of the application.

The only legal choice I see is to hope that the Greek will see that you have three previous trips to Europe, obeying the rules, and say that's more important than seven days too little on your residence permit, and as a result grant your visa.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Teo Doulke, cottonbro, MART PRODUCTION, Kampus Production