Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo?

Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo? - High angle of crop person holding hands with ethnic boy stuck in dirty puddle in poor village

I'm planning a trip to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and would like to stay for several days in Neum. I have a Russian passport, which grants me 30 days visa-free stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but I don't have a Schengen visa or a Croatian visa. The route from Sarajevo to Neum seems to cross the Croatian border twice. Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo?

Best Answer

If you have (or will rent) your own car, it is possible to drive Highway 17.3 between Neum and Hutovo (from which you can proceed to Mostar or other parts of BiH) without entering Croatia. This is bureaucratically the easiest option, so you may want to take it even if you normally prefer not to rent cars.

However, there does not appear to be any public transit along this route, so if you travel by bus, you will indeed have to enter Croatia to reach Neum. If you already have a valid Schengen visa, you can use it to enter Croatia, but if you do not, you will want to apply for a Croatian visa, which is not a Schengen visa and does not grant access to the Schengen area. You will not be able to receive a Schengen visa for an itinerary which does not visit any Schengen states.

Pictures about "Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo?"

Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo? - Crop anonymous female in elegant clothes reaching hands to calm water in daytime
Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo? - Confident senior businessman standing on stairs in street
Do I need a Schengen visa to reach Neum from Sarajevo? - From above of anonymous ethnic male squatting on dirty floor near grid on street in poor district of rural area

Does Bosnia need Schengen visa?

Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are currently able to visit the Schengen Area for up to 90 days without having to obtain a travel document such as a visa or travel authorization. The Schengen Area is composed of 22 European Union countries, 3 microstates, and 4 non-EU countries.

Is Bosnia part of Schengen?

The European countries that are not part of the Schengen zone are Albania, Andora, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, The United Kingdom and Vatican City.

Can I enter Bosnia with Schengen?

Bosnia and Herzegovina is recognized as a potential candidate to join the EU, allowing foreign nationals to enter visa-free if they have a Schengen visa. But, the visa-free period is valid only for 30 days.

Do I need a visa from Bosnia to Croatia?

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Answer 2

The path you want to take is called "Svitava". I'm not sure if taxi from Sarajevo knows the road but the ones from Herzegovina know for sure. You can try and google it further but here is the road from "Stolac" city.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ahmed akacha, Eman Genatilan, Andrea Piacquadio, Tom Fisk