Do Germany's quarantine rules apply to travelers who transit through risk areas?

Do Germany's quarantine rules apply to travelers who transit through risk areas? - Unrecognizable passenger in bus during COVID 19 pandemic

If a traveler was coming to Germany from a location not listed as a Risikogebiet by Germany's RKI but transited through a place that was listed as a Risikogebiet would they be subject to quarantine when they arrive in Germany? For instance, if they changed trains at Brussels-South railway station (Brussels region is currently a risk area as per the RKI) or changed planes an a Paris airport (Île-de-France is currently a risk area as per the RKI).

Currently, this FAQ from the German Health Ministry states:

Who is required to enter home quarantine when travelling to the Federal Republic of Germany?

Anyone who enters the Federal Republic of Germany having spent time in a risk area up to 14 days before their arrival is obliged to proceed directly to their own home or another suitable accommodation and self-isolate there for 14 days. This does not apply if the person only travelled through a risk area without spending time there.

However, looking at the Einreiseverordnung of individual Länder such as the current one for NRW this distinction is less clear.

Personen, die auf dem Land-, See-, oder Luftweg aus dem Ausland in das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen einreisen und sich zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt innerhalb von 14 Tagen vor Einreise in einem Risikogebiet nach Absatz 3 aufgehalten haben, sind verpflichtet, unverzüglich das für sie zuständige Gesundheitsamt zu kontaktieren und auf ihren Aufenthalt in einem Risikogebiet nach Absatz 3 hinzuweisen.

Google Translate translates the above to

Persons who enter the state of North Rhine-Westphalia by land, sea or air from abroad and have stayed in a risk area according to paragraph 3 at any time within 14 days prior to entry are obliged to do so immediately for to contact the responsible health department and to inform them about their stay in a risk area according to paragraph 3.

However, the key verb in the original German text is aufhalten which can depending on context can either mean

  • to stay (giving some leeway that transit stops are exempt) or
  • to stop implying transit stops aren't OK but driving through non-stop is OK or
  • to be implying any physical presence triggers the quarantine obligation.

What is actually allowed?

Best Answer

In addition to @MarkJohnson's answer, you'll want to check the exceptions (Ausnahmen) articles of the relevant Land's legislation.

Yes, the rules apply, but these rules do have several exceptions and/or alternatives to quarantine.

You'll have to notify the Gesundheitsamt in any case. But:

  • the linked Berlin and NRW rules both accept a fresh (up to 48 h old when entering the Land) medical attestation with negative SARS-CoV2 PCR test result that states that there are no indications you have Covid.

  • They also allow a PCR test done in Germany to shorten the quarantine.

  • Both have a provision that the Gesundheitsamt can grant exemptions from quarantine on judging the traveller's interests and the particular epidemiological circumstances.

As an example excerpt form Berlin regulation §9

(3) Not covered by § 8(1) sentence 1 are persons who have a medical certificate together with current laboratory findings in German or English confirming that there are no indications of infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and who present this certificate to the competent authority without delay on request. The medical certificate in accordance with the first sentence above must be based on a molecular biological test for the presence of infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 carried out in a member state of the European Union or another state published by the Robert Koch Institute and carried out no more than 48 hours before entry into the Federal Republic of Germany. The medical certificate in accordance with sentence 1 shall be retained for at least 14 days after entry.

 (4) Besides the exemptions covered in subsections 1 to 3, exemptions from § 8(1) may also be granted in duly justified cases, provided that this is justified in the light of all interests involved and epidemiological considerations. In particularly urgent individual cases, the Senate Department responsible for health may grant an exemption pursuant to sentence 1; the responsible health office shall be informed of the exemption.

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Do Germany's quarantine rules apply to travelers who transit through risk areas? - Side view woman and black man in medical masks greeting each other while standing at distance

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Images: Brian James, Keira Burton, Alena Shekhovtcova, Monstera