Category "landmarks"

What part of Great Wall of China is easier to visit, starting from Peking?

I'm interested in visiting the Great Wall of China, but don't want to face many tourists during my trip. Are there such parts of it? Are visitors allowed to wal

Time needed to visit the Seattle Space Needle

I'm planning to take a day trip to the Puget Sound area. One of the places I'm interested in visiting is the Space Needle. How much time does going into the Spa

Paris on a Tuesday - are the Louvre and the Pompidou Centre the only "big" attractions that are closed?

One that's caught me out before is that the Louvre is closed on Tuesdays. It looks like the Centre Pompidou is also closed Tuesdays (French - Tuesday=Mardi). H

Where is this half buried Armenian church or monastery?

While browsing Wikipedia and the Internet about some damaged Armenian churches in Tbilisi Georgia I came across an amazing photo (but I know this one is not in

Is it possible to climb Uluru (Ayers Rock)?

Suppose I'm in Australia. Can I climb Uluru? Do I need any special permits or gear? And how long do I have to walk to the top?

Is there a monument I can visit in Ecuador that marks the center of the earth?

Today I've read that the center of the earth is in Ecuador. Is this true? Obviously the equator goes through Ecuador, but how can the surface of a sphere have a

"World class" monuments to visit in April

I am trying to plan a month long backpacking trip in April, such that: It has either rich cultural heritage or natural beauty. I am after "world class", breath

The Atacama Giant

I would really like to see the Atacama Giant. On Wikipedia it is just mentioned that it is in the Atacama desert. But this desert is really big. Where should I

"World class" monuments to visit in April

I am trying to plan a month long backpacking trip in April, such that: It has either rich cultural heritage or natural beauty. I am after "world class", breath

Is it worth visiting the Nazca Lines from the ground if seeing them from a plane is not an option?

The Nazca lines are some very famous geoglyphs in Peru. For example you can see a dog in this picture: Picture from Wikipedia From a plane or a satelitte or

Cross-country landmarks/tourist spots near I-40 [closed]

I'm driving cross-country from New England to San Francisco in a few days. I'll have company all the way up until Memphis. After that, I'm on

How can I travel to the "Eye of the Sahara"? Are there tours? Can I self-guide?

The Richat Structure, or "Eye of the Sahara", only just appeared on my travel radar. It's new to me - and in an exciting part of Africa - Mauritania. What I'm

The Great Wall of China: Where should I start a visit?

The Great Wall of China is more than 6000 kilometers long. So if I want to see that wall, where should I start my visit? What are typical places to see the wall

The Esplanade in Singapore: Are there any tourist tours?

The Esplanade in Singapore is a really interesting building if you're into architecture. Therefore, when I'm eventually in Singapore, I would like to visit the

Does Georgia (the country) have a museum or sculpture park of Soviet/Communist/Socialist art?

In Budapest, Hungary they have Memento Park. As covered in one of my previous questions, there is the Museum of Socialist Art in Sofia, Bulgaria. I recall readi

Walking Hadrian's Wall

I am trying to plan a 3-4 day hike along the Hadrian's Wall, so in particular I am trying to figure out: What is the most interesting part of the wall (best pr

What are some old Irish neighbourhoods in Chicago?

I'm going to Chicago in a few weeks for a few days in June. There seems to be lots to see, but one thing I'm interested in is the Irish heritage of the city. Li

Dingo fence - how to visit?

Although being "only" a fence, it is unusually interesting, because of its extraordinary purpose and length. What are the most interesting parts of the Dingo

What statue did Bolivia give, and where is it located?

From Babyhood by Paul Reiser: Every place I looked I saw a great place to be somebody's parent. "I could walk into that 7-Eleven and buy my kid a soda

Does this monument depict Koxinga?

The large horse rider monument located in Quanzhou, China here: Google Maps Is this monument depicting Koxinga or someone else? Can't find wiki articles or so