Category "wizz-air"

Which currencies does Wizz Air use in-flight?

Wizz Air is an Hungarian flight operator and I'll be flying with them from Finland to the United Kingdom. If I'd like to pay with cash for in-flight services w

Add passenger for flights booked with Wizz Discount club

How can I add a passenger in my flight booked with Wizz Discount club? I can’t find the option.

Anyone know what a Wizzair System surcharge is?

Looks like it is a charge for using their automated systems. This seems pretty strange since I thought that was what the administration charge is for. https://w

Wrong ID information on Wizzair

I have a flight on the 25th of August and it’s my first time flying alone and I’m terrified, with that anxiety I wrote my document information wrong

Wizz Air insurance policy

I booked a flight and together with the flight, I bought a travel insurance. However, I never got an insurance policy with my name and personal information on i

Do Wizz Go or Wizz Flex allow you to change seats multiple times for free?

I have purchased Wizz Go tickets and additional Wizz Flex for them. According to Wizz Air site: WIZZ Go: free seat selection (excluding front row and extra leg