Category "baku"

Where can I find details of the bus between Tbilisi Georgia and Baku Azerbaijan?

WikiTravel and other easily Google-able sources tell me there are buses that run between the Georgian and Azeri capital cities, but no details. I'd like to know

Souvenir shops at Heydar Aliyev (Baku) airport?

I have an upcoming trip, later this month, that includes a short (1-1/2 hour) stopover in Heydar Aliyev (Baku) airport. Having never been to Azerbaijan before,

What time do buses and marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi for the Azerbaijan border?

I am planning to travel from Tbilisi to Baku via the Red Bridge border crossing. Could you advise me what time buses and marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi's railw

Baku-Tbilisi train

I'm going to take the Baku-Tbilisi Train this summer, and would like to know if the Train stops at the Samgori Station in Tbilisi? If not, where does it stop b

What is the cost and schedule of the bus between Alat and Baku in Azerbaijan?

What does the bus between the Alat port and Baku cost? I will be arriving in Alat on a Ferry from Aktau (Kazakhstan) and need to get to Baku from there.

Where in Alat (Azerbaijan) is the bus stop for transport heading to Baku?

I'll be arriving at the Alat port on a Ferry from Kazakhstan, and Need to go to Baku from there. Is there a bus stop at the port? If not, how far is the neares

Where in Tbilisi can I get very early morning public transport towards Azerbaijan?

I will be arriving in Tbilisi on Tuesday 4 april at 04:30, and need to get to Baku from there as quickly as possible by bus. My questions is, what bus station

How to book a train ticket from Tblisi to Baku (online)

So as per my research, there is a train that goes from Tbilisi to Baku. I want to book the ticket online from Tbilisi to Baku. So I came across this website htt