Category "where-on-earth"

Is there a comprehensive list of Magna Cartas and their locations?

I'm getting more interested in traveling to view Magna Cartas because it looks like I've seen three out of four 1215 copies plus two others. However it's very

Which locations are traditionally Santa's home - i.e. where can you visit Santa Claus year-round?

Obviously around this time of the year, Santa and his minions will be out and about, finding out who is naughty and nice, and delivering presents. However, the

Is there a thematic train trip based on Christmas?

For some unknown reason to me trains and Christmas are related. There are movies about it and during Christmas I always see miniature trains and tracks being so

Is there a tourist destination where the new year starts first and at the same time the old year ends last?

We were brainstorming where to celebrate the next new year. It would be fun if it is possible to be the first in the new year to then with minor traveling enjoy

U.S. East Cost most popular spring break destinations

I'm currently an exchange student in Cleveland, OH. Some friends of mine and I want to make a Cleveland - Miami round trip by car during spring break (7/3 to 16

Where on earth is this image from the backgrounds in Windows?

My Russian colleague had this image as his desktop, so I asked if it was Lake Baikal or not. He actually didn't know, as it was just one of the default Windows

Where exactly is Yamada Castle in Okinawa?

I've already visited the one restored castle in Okinawa and Wikipedia tells me there are several other ruined castles here on the main island. But one castle i

Where can I ride a pump trolley?

Almost three decades ago I had the pleasure to ride a pump trolley. I remembered the ease of getting the thing in motion and the speed you can get. Unfortunatel

Where this picture was taken ~100 years ago?

It probably was taken in Russia/Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania during Russian Civil War by one of my ancestors. I'm sure this place exists today - I saw it on the po

Is it possible to find "castaway" accommodation in the Alps?

After watching the last episodes of Breaking Bad, I've had the idea of finding a truly castaway house to stay in for a week or so. Preferably something with ele

Where in the world can you tour a live nuclear reactor?

Are there nuclear plants that allow you to tour the facility and learn more about nuclear power while the plant is running?

What building is this?

This image is a screenshot from a video, and in the video the image is named "UK". What building is this?

Are there any space shuttles one can go inside of?

The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center has a space shuttle but you can't go inside it. Are there any that you can or are there any that you can under special circumsta

How can I find a performance of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor?

Listening to Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor is one of my favourite pieces to program against. Whenever I need to do some serious programming I just s

Options for getting paid for hunting or fishing on vacation

Is there any place, no matter where you have to travel to, where we get paid to hunt? At least, it would be nice to cover partially the costs or even break ev

Which countries allow tourists to get married without the long wait for the marriage licence?

I am a 19 year old girl and my guy is 22. We live in the Middle East, and it's hard for us to get married here before I turn 21. We are planning on marrying out

Where is the world's largest commercial elevator?

Out of curiosity, I went to search for "world's largest elevator", but all the results were for grain elevators. Now obviously, you can't ride in a grain eleva

Are there cultures in which walking in the nude in public is not frowned upon?

Although some cultures are less prudent then others I have the impression that walking in the nude in public is frowned upon world wide. Is this a correct assum

Can an original of "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" be viewed in Japan?

According to the Wikipedia article for "The Great Wave off Kanagawa", copies are stored in various places around the world. There are various copies of this wo

What is the deepest accessible point on earth?

There is the Kola Superdeep Borehole and the Mariana trench but both are not accessible to average humans. What is the deepest point on earth I can reach?