Category "turkey"

Getting from Göreme to Denizli by car

What is the best car rental company to rent a car to get from Göreme to Denizli in Turkey? What I need is a reliable company, i.e. one wich I can believe w

What are some recommended itineraries for visting Turkey in July? [closed]

I'm visiting Turkey for 13 days with my 19 year old nephew. We're flying in and out of Istanbul. I'd like to get out of Istanbul and see the c

Sufi Dance in Turkey

I'm looking for a Sufi dance show in Istanbul. I'd like to watch for a "real and non-hollywood" show. I don't need dinner nor drinks nor any kind of extras.

Is there a direct train from Bucharest to Istanbul?

I would like to travel by train to Istanbul via Budapest and Bucharest along the road recommended by the Man in Seat 61. According to that description, there

Mobile and mobile internet provider Turkey

I am going to Turkey for a 10 day trip. Is it possible to buy a 3G chip to have internet access in all Turkey for this period? What are my options and average p

How to calculate stays against 90/180 visa rules?

Some destinations have a "90/180 rule" which says you can come and go but you must not spend over 90 days out of any 180 days in the area. A recent question ask

How can roadside cafe quality be measured in Greece or Turkey?

When traveling by car it is always a big question how to determine the quality of roadside cafe in front of you. In Russia I've noticed some dependency betwee

How to get from Istanbul Atatürk Airport to Çanakkale‎?

The usual way to get from Istanbul to Çanakkale‎ is to take a direct bus from the Büyük or the Harem otogar (bus station)

Will travellers be able to get full internet access in Turkey during the current (July 2013) protests/riots?

With the current widespread riots in Turkey, the police reaction, the government's intervention and the worldwide observation, there've been r

Should I cancel my trip to Turkey due to the recent (July 2013) protests?

I've been planning a trip to turkey for this July. How easy would it be to avoid the areas where people are demonstrating? If I hadn't already booked my fligh

Good (and Bikini) beaches in Turkey (including Izmir and Antalya)?

Please don't get me wrong! I know where Turkey is and I have been to Istanbul 3 times and Ankara 2 times. All I know is that Istanbul is a prime destination for

Can we enter Istanbul, Turkey and Frankfurt, Germany while flying through in transit for a few hours?

I am a US Citizen and my wife is an Indian citizen with a Permanent residency (Green Card). While travelling on vacation to Europe from the US, we will have 2 l

Usual taxi fares and things to know about transportation inside Antalya

I have tried to find some travel books from my local bookshop and library. They have got other cities, not Antalya. Regarding the transportation system there:

Is it safe to travel to Turkey at this time (August 2013)?

Given the recent protests, I'm not sure if it's safe to travel to Turkey or not. I'm no expert on these matters, so, if possible, I'd like to hear from someone

Is it safe to go to Içmeler, Turkey now?

I am going to Içmeler next week and I am worried about all this trouble just now. Is it safe to go just now?

Travel to Turkey, How to Insure travel in case of Travel Advisory and Escalation

I'm a US citizen, Planning a trip to Turkey (Flight into Istanbul, travel on both the european and middle eastern half), leaving October 15th. There is currentl

Where is Kechror, Turkey?

I can't seem to locate the town of Kechror, or village of Chukurayva in which I am interested in visiting. I have found a reference to these in an article of an

Do US citizens need a visa for Turkey?

I understand that Turkey does not belong to Schengen area. So would I need to have a visa to visit Turkey?

Can I go outside the airport if I'm flying transit, and if visa not required for my citizenship?

I'm citizen of Uzbekistan, and I don't need visa for Turkey. And I'm flying transit 13 hours, can I go outside the airport for sometimes, holding my transit tic

Traveling from Bulgaria to Turkey by bus, Visa on arrival?

Turkey grants visa on arrival for Schengen visa holders. I'm guessing this should be at all entry ports, including roads. Just wanted to confirm that if I'm tra