Category "extreme-tourism"

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

How can I visit Antarctica?

A year ago I was reading some magazine, and found out that there is availability to get a trip to Antarctica. Unfortunately, there was no info about how I could

Online resources/communities especially for travelling to remote islands [closed]

I'm dreaming of visiting remote islands such as St. Helena or the Kerguelen islands, but mostly don't get past the dreaming stage because I do

Roughly how long does the Pamir Highway take to do?

I'm heading into Tajikistan on Friday (to Dushanbe). I aim to go around to Khorog and then via the Pamir highway to Kyrgyzstan. I'm unsure as to how long to a

Can a person fly to the Moon as a tourist?

I don't want to really fly there, it would take too long and probably would be prohibitively expensive for me. But nevertheless I am really wondering if it is

Are some parts of Iraq currently possible to visit for the brave, adventurous, and open-minded traveller?

OK I know Iraq is utterly totally off the vast majority of people's itineraries for the immediate future. But I am pretty sure I have heard of some extreme adv

How can I travel to the North Pole, cheaply?

I'm aware that annually there's a North Pole marathon, and that would be one way of getting up there, if exhausting. What other options exist to get there, pre

What's the deepest underwater tour available?

Clearly scuba can only get you so far, and while we've discussed submarine tours in the past, they are just jaunts. What's the deepest you can actually go as

What on earth has yet to be explored?

To be clear, yes, we can see everything from Google Earth or other satellite imagery, but that doesn't mean we can explore it. GE can't see into forests, canyo

Is all of Afghanistan dangerous for travellers?

Recently I have read a few travel books to get some inspiration for the next long summer journey. I was especially reading Lonely Planet travel guides. I was a

What is the LEAST visited country by tourists?

There's always lists on the most popular countries. But in my travels, I've found going against the grain has been super rewarding - places like Chernobyl, in

How can you get into the San Pedro prison in La Paz? (*and* out again)

The infamous San Pedro prison (El Penal de San Pedro) in La Paz is famous for having no security guards inside, the prisoners run it themselves. Families of th

Coverage of unusual activities with travel insurance

If you're planning on doing an unusual activity, that isn't directly prohibited (e.g. "no off-piste skiing"), or indirectly prohibited (e.g. roof riding in Indi

Shark diving: Where can I do it in Europe or South America?

I'm looking for some popular places for shark diving in Europe (is this possible at all, never heard of it) and South America. Do I need any special swimming sk

Riding in a military jet

I remember that there was a possibility that one could take a ride in a military MiG. I think at one point the cost was $15k. Are there any other places that

Huashan Cliffside Path: Accessible for tourists?

Today I saw some very nice pictures of the Huashan Cliffside Path in China: Now I'm asking myself if this path is accessible for tourists? This means, if I h

When are the first 'regular' space tourist commercial flights actually due to start?

We've seen promises from "by the year 2000", 2003, floating hotels by 2007, and so on. Now we have the first cargo ship by a private company ACTUALLY dock with

Extreme rope swinging - is this offered commercially at the location shown in 'World's Largest Rope Swing' video?

I saw this video recently on YouTube titled 'World's Largest Rope Swing' and this seems to have been shot with a custom rig set up just for the purposes of this

Can you actually do a road-trip in Greenland?

There is of course the epic Top Gear episode where they went for the North Pole. I came across this short youtube film on some driving the only "freeway" in G

How to avoid polar bear in Antarctica? [closed]

I would like to visit Antarctica, but worry polar bear may chase after me. How to avoid being attacked by polar bear?