Category "identity-cards"

Can I travel to Switzerland with EU ID?

I know, that Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not members of EU. However, they are members of Schengen. Schengen rules remove all internal border controls betw

Can you travel to the UK with an EU national Identity card that is only valid for another week upon return?

For international trips I have a passport, for EU journeys I use my national identity card. Simply because its format is more convenient, since it fits in my wa

Transit in Turkey for Swiss and Bulgarian citizens

We plan to flight me, my wife and our daughter to Bulgaria and one option is to flight from Geneva to Istanbul, then Istanbul-Varna. The question is: As a Swis

Is the European driving license valid as ID in Europe?

I'm an Italian citizen, and I possess a driving license in the standard European format: Can I use it for identification purposes, i.e. boarding a plane, whe

What is valid ID for domestic flights in India?

Is post office ID card accepted as ID proof for flight to travel withinin India? What else other than PAN card, driving license is accepted as ID? Where do I ne

As an EU national, what (if any) ID do I need to carry when crossing between France and Belgium?

Based on the expats question "If asked for ID in France by the police, as an EU national what is considered valid?", I know what the rules are for carrying ID a

What's the difference between 'Redress Number' and 'Known Traveler Number'? Do I need both for TSA PreCheck?

I recently obtained a Global Entry card and on the back is the PASSID number that I understand is also my Known Traveler Number. When I recently tried to recor

Lost passport visa and citizen card in Malaysia

My Nepalese friend has lost his passport, visa, and his citizen card in Malaysia. His flight is in a week, and if he goes to police, they want his permit card,

What to do if you need to fly in the Schengen area and lose your ID card?

A friend recently got her ID stolen while she was in the Netherlands. She will soon need to fly to her home country Italy, but she doesn't know what to do. Wha

American ID requirements for indian domestic flights

I am an Indian with an American citizenship. I will be travelling in India with my family through domestic flights. I am wondering about the ID requirements for

I can't drive can I get a drivers license in USA just to be used as an ID [closed]

I will be studying in the US as an international student soon, and I don't have any proper training to be able to drive a vehicle. I know th

Can I use my UK Provisional Driving License as ID in Europe?

I am going to be travelling in EU soon, mostly Switzerland, and the neighbouring countries, but also a few others, and was wondering if my Provisional UK Drivin

What if one family member doesn't have a photo ID for domestic air travel in India?

My friend has booked tickets for vacation in India (domestic travel), but realized that his wife doesn't have any photo ID. Will any of the following documents

Does any airline in the world allow air travel without government identification?

It seems that pretty much every airline requires at least one form of government identification for flights, even if it's a local flight within a single country

Can I use my birth certificate as identification on a bus in Texas?

I'm 17 and I am traveling from Laredo (Texas, US) to San Antonio (Texas). I don't have an ID, but I do have my birth certificate. Can I use that to travel by bu

Quickly obtaining an ID to fly within the US

I live in Ohio. I am currently in Washington, D.C. I am travelling back to Ohio by air on Sep 2. I have a Ohio state issued driver's license. Unfortunately, I r

Is a student ID issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi valid for boarding on a domestic flight within India?

I am a student and will be traveling on an upcoming domestic trip on 20 October 2014 within India. This is my first trip and I am 17 years old. Since I am only

Why does EasyJet require my ID details in advance?

I truly wonder why does EasyJet need to know my ID details in advance for my flight from Prague to London: It is a requirement of UK customs? If so, why have

Is ID needed from Sweden to Spain? [duplicate]

I am planning to travel from Sweden to Spain by plane. I lost my ID and waiting for replacement but I do not want to go over the hassle when b

I'm on a train to Vienna and I forgot the documents home, what can I do now?

I'm on a train to Vienna from Milan and I totally forgot my ID and passport home. I only have the driving license with me which is not a valid travel document i