Category "hong-kong"

Best time to buy Airline tickets to Shanghai/Hong Kong from USA (Dallas/Fort Worth)?

My boyfriend and I are looking to visit Shanghai and Hong Kong in December, and we were wondering when the best (the cheapest price) time to buy tickets would b

Should US citizens get a visa in advance for a one-week trip to Hong Kong?

I'm US Citizen and I'm planing a one week trip to Hong Kong for pleasure. Do I need to get a visa in advance? This site seems to indicate that I do not need to

How to manage/store luggage for an afternoon in Hong Kong?

I contacted the hosts that my girlfriend and I will be staying with in Hong Kong next week, and I discovered that our flight will be getting in several hours be

Can I spend Renminbi in Hong Kong?

While travelling in Hong Kong, I noticed signs at several vendors advertising prices with the 元 character, which from my visit to Shanghai I recognized a

Is it safe to drink bubble tea in Hong Kong?

I love bubble tea and I've seen it many places for sale while walking through Hong Kong. I've read mixed reviews on the safety of Hong Kong's tap water supply,

Do clubs in Hong Kong have any particular dress code?

I'm going to Hong Kong for Easter this year and I needed some packing advice. Do clubs in Hong Kong have a dress code, if any? What I mean by this is for, say,

Where can I eat a cobra (or any snake) in Hong Kong?

I was reading a travel article by Nick Tosches in Vanity Fair on his search for opium dens in Asia. One section stood out for me: Cobra soup—the more

Cheap way to get from Israel to Hong Kong

I want to fly from Tel Aviv to Hong Kong. I searched Kayak and so on. I wonder: Do travel agents have cheaper offers which I cannot find on the Internet? Is

Hong Kong Airport - restricted/non-restricted areas

I have booked a flight to the Philippines and I have a layover of 3h 30m in Hong Kong Airport (arrival an departure in Terminal 1). So I looked at the shops in

Free bus shuttle service from Hong Kong airport?

Does someone have details and the route of the free bus service from/to Hong Kong (HKG) airport to the city ?

What would be the cheapest public transportation deal for me in Hong Kong? [closed]

I'll visit HKG for two periods: one evening, a day and a half 3 days and a half I wandered the net and saw some public transportation deals.

Are there any specific documents to carry when travelling from Bangalore to Hong Kong via Bangkok without visa?

I am going on a short tour from Bangalore to Hong Kong and my flights are with Thai Airways which go via Bangkok. Hong Kong provides visa on arrival for Indian

What's the best area of Hong Kong to stay in on a short stopover visit for sightseeing?

I'm thinking about taking a stopover of 1-2 days next time I fly through Hong Kong, rather than just carrying straight on with my next flight. If I do do this,

Is it possible for an American to get a Chinese visa in Hong Kong?

I know standing in line to get a visa is never fun, but was wondering if any Americans had experience getting a standard tourist "L" visa in Hong Kong. I'm le

What city is this cityscape?

I download this cityscape from Microsoft theme website but I don't know what city is it.

Is it possible to go from South Korea to Hong Kong by sea?

More specifically from Busan (but other sites also possible). My plan is to do Japan - South Korea - Hong Kong by sea.

Is my Chinese visa reusable?

I am a US citizen and have a Chinese visa that expires later this year, but I am looking to go to China again this summer. I originally got this L visa for my t

Where in Beijing or Hong Kong can I buy good jade jewelry? How will I know it's the real thing?

I will be traveling to Beijing and Hong Kong in April. I would like to buy some jade jewelry as souvenirs but do not want to take a chance of dealing with fraud

Where to go go-karting in Hong Kong?

I know the main track was closed after a lethal freak accident. I don't need anything big though. It's just been my dream to go go-karting. Are there any opti

Hong Kong street photography?

I'll be in Hong Kong this summer for three nights. I'll be doing some street shooting while I'm there so I'm looking for these particular things: High concent