Category "pilgrimages"

Drinking from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury (Sacred Spring in England)

The Chalice Well web site says this... To be at the well head, to drink the water and absorb the atmosphere in the gardens can be a truly inspirational ex

Can a non-Orthodox man visit Mt. Athos?

I am very curious about visiting the monasteries of Mt. Athos. However, most of the information I see about visiting seems to be directed towards Orthodox pilg

What are the necessary contents of an "Islamic certificate" required for a convert to perform Hajj pilgrimage?

Hajj pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam. In order to perform hajj, one needs a special hajj visa. There seems to be an extra requirement for conve

Can I perform Umrah while on a Saudi Arabian visit e-visa

For those who don't know, just a few days ago Saudi Arabia, known for being inaccessible, introduced a new e-visa system for a handful of countries which includ