Category "overstaying"

Administratively removed 7 years ago, chances of returning to the UK? [closed]

I was administratively removed from the UK in 2010 after overstaying my student visa. I had completed my MSC programme in marine engineering.

Overstayed of 5 months and going back to my country with one way ticket

I went to Italy in March 2016, met my boyfriend and, 90 days after I entered, I went back to my country (Mauritius). In September 2016, I came back to Italy to

When can I re-apply for the UK Visa after OVERSTAYING for 2 months? [closed]

I have applied twice for tourist visa but got refusals. Second time I received a letter saying "when I was still in the UK I should have rece

3 months overstayed in Armenia

I have Iranian passport and I have overstayed 3 months more than the 3 months visa-free, 6 months in sum. Here. I don't have money to pay fine, what will happe

Overstayed in USA

I was supposed to return to Canada on April 2, 2017. I was in a motorcycle accident during my stay in the United States and was unable to return until the 29th

Can I stay longer than the duration on the visa?

I have a single entry visa for Italy and I planned to stay for 2 weeks. I got the visa valid for a 24-day period, and duration of stay is 10 days. Can I stay

Schengen overstay [closed]

My Brazilian girlfriend left the Schengen area (Portugal) today to return to Brazil. It turned out she had overstayed by one day, something wh

Is there any real route of appeal on a ban because of an overstay in Thailand? [closed]

Even though I am a property owner there and had a valid visa still in date, when I exited Bangkok for the U.K., I was heavily fined but, much

OOPS! Schengen overstay, [closed]

Several visits to Schengen in 2017. Due to arithmetic error, totals more than 90 days. U.S. citizen. Don't want to brag about it—"You

Do the UK and USA share immigration information? [duplicate]

I overstayed in the UK then voluntary left the country four years ago. Now I got a USA tourist visa and am planning to go on a vacation in Cal

UK business visa (Standard Visitor Visa) - extension of number of days

I have a UK business visa for the validity of 6 months with multiple entry. Also, the maximum days they have given is 180 days. Now if my stay increases to more

How serious was my sister's Schengen overstay?

My sister overstayed in Europe by just five days. She misread the expiring date of the visa. When she was exiting through Germany, the border service made her p

How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA?

I came to the USA by the plane and got 180 days to stay(B1/B2 visa). Then I was travelling exactly 180 days around the USA on the sailboat. And left the country

Consequence of overstaying US visa

I have a US visa valid for 2 years. I thought I could stay that long but, on my arrival at the port of entry, I was told I could only stay in the US until the 1

What happens when you overstay in the Schengen area?

My friend is in Slovenia and his visa expired 15 days ago. Does he have to pay some sort of penalty? What will happen to him and what should he do to travel bac

Overstay in Prague by one day

This summer, my friend from Thailand will come to see me in Prague, Czech Repulic. He applied for a Schengen tourist visa type C and received it, valid for 30 d

ESTA/VWP entry with one day overstay

My mother-in-law from Spain entered the US under the ESTA/VWP and, by mistake, overstayed her visit by one day. She entered on January 13th and left on April 13

The National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Reporting Obligations?

I am informed that a new "Act of Parliament" has a section entitled... Obligation to record information against an overseas visitor’s consistent ide

Returning to Schengen after overstaying in Sweden by 12 days

I am in Ethiopia now but I had been Sweden in march 2017. Is was my first time in the Schengen area. And I stayed 32 days, but the duration of stay in my passpo

Slightly Overstaying In Thailand Due To miss count (31 days) [duplicate]

I bought a ticket to Thailand I arrive in Bangkok September 2nd, and leave October second. I essentially fly out on my 31st day in the country