Category "local-cuisine"

Where can I eat a guinea pig in Ecuador?

In South America, cuy (guinea pig) is a local specialty, and is supposed to taste like rabbit or chicken. Wikipedia claims that it is to be found in the highlan

Local cuisine in Peru

I am planning to travel to Peru, and one of the things that I do like to do every place I visit is to try out the local dishes like: Cozido das Furnas on Azores

What are the typical meals in Japan?

I'm going to Tokyo for tourism and I'm wondering what are the typical meals that one tourist may get during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, what are their co

Language culture and Food culture in South India?

I am planning for a mid-term traveling (for around 15-20 days) in South India covering parts from AP,Kerala and Karnataka only, along with my family members. No

What food is Chicago (USA) famous for?

Does the USA Chicago have a specific culture in terms of food. Example, Indians commonly have curry, Chinese have rice as part of their staple diet, in South Af

Typical food in Norway?

I'm going to Norway (Bergen) soon and I want to taste something typical from that nation or from Bergen's region. I was thinking that one of the most typical f

How can I find out what the typical "fast food" is for a particular country?

Everyone has to eat and travelers are no exception. When arriving to a new destination sometimes it's not easy to find a place and one just chooses a quick and

Trying Hungarian Cuisine in Budapest

I'll be going to Budapest in a few weeks. This is travel for work, and often I get to some place because of my job and then just at the very last minute when I'

Tasting typical Icelandic cuisine in Reykjavík

I'll be going to Reykjavík in a few weeks. As usual for my job travels I'm trying also to enjoy the place, and in this case the cuisine. I tried to hav

Restaurants in Leipzig, Germany that offer local food

Personally I'm interested in food and cooking. I'm planning a visit to Leipzig, Germany this summer and I wanted to try some of the local dishes of Germany. Wh

Where to eat Suzumebachi (Giant Sparrow Bee) in Japan?

Today I've read a lot about the craziest insect in Japan, the Suzumebachi. It's a kind of giant bee and, apparently, it's the most dangerous animal in Japan:

What do they drink in Japan for breakfast, lunch and dinner? [closed]

What do Japanese drink for daily meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)? I need to know.

Where to eat cheap authentic laksa in Kuala Lumpur?

One of my favourite foods is laksa. In Australia it's often served in Thai restaurants or noodle bars, but apparently it's actually from Singapore and Malaysia.

"Safe" typical dishes to order away from the tourist trail in Thailand when English is not supported?

I've found now that away from tourist areas, English is rare in Thailand both spoken and on menus. I've also found that some of the dishes we in the west think

What is typical (traditional) Lao / Laotian food?

When travelling in Laos, I was disappointed at how similar the food seemed to Thailand. Obviously, there's bound to be some overlap (b/c both proximity (like

Tasting typical Czech cuisine in Prague [closed]

I'll be going to Prague in a few weeks. As usual for my job travels I'm trying also to enjoy the place, and in this case the cuisine. I tried

Index of local food blogs for a city?

Occasionally I run across blogs or websites that have excellent reviews of city food of all stripes, from fancy places to street carts. The theme is "find the b

Is there any region, island, mountain, or village in Japan known for hot spicy local cuisine?

Within the next few days I'm going to start a trip from the very south of Kyushu to the very North of Hokkaido. I'm a bit of a foodie and I'm a huge fan of hot

Resource for local cuisines and specialties across Japan

I'm wondering if there's some website that's like a "Foodie's Guide to Japan", or maybe a "Foodie Wiki" covering the whole world including Japan, etc. I know t

Square donuts in Dubai

I've been in Dubai some time ago and in a Starbucks I've found square donuts. Can you explain why? Is there a religious rule?