Category "outdoor-activities"

Mountain bike routes in Val di Sole, Trentino?

What are some popular, intermediate-level mountain-biking routes in Val di Sole (Trentino, Italy)?

Camping around Toronto, Ontario for the new year weekend

I live in Toronto by the lakeshore. I had a long yearning to spend new years eve by myself out in the middle of nowhere, under the stars, in a tent. Now I have

Where can you go lake ice skating in Southern Sweden?

Winter is coming, and if the Swedish Meteorologic and Hydrologic Institute (SMHI) is to be believed, it is going to be even colder than last year. For referen

Are there any natural outdoor ice skating locations in Australia?

I know winter is over now but it likely will be winter again by the time I get back to Australia. I also know there are a few temporary outdoor ice skating rin

Recommendations for snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef

I'm going to Australia in January with my girlfriend. It's the first time she's visited Australia and one thing we really want to do is to see the Great Barrier

Kayak options in Patagonia

We'll be traveling to Patagonia (Chilean side) and staying there for about a week. We're very interested in undertaking a kayak trip when down there. However, s

Learn to sail in Sydney?

In January I'll have a few days in Sydney (Australia) after a relative's wedding. Sailing is something I've always been keen to try, and Sydney seems like a pe

What are some recommended day trips from New York City for outdoor activities? [closed]

I am specifically interested in walking/hiking/cycling rather than going to the beach or skiing.

Where in Europe can I pay to fire guns or have military experience?

I have seen several sites for places in Ukraine and Poland where you can drive tanks and shoot various weapons from the Soviet Union.

Looking for a very last minute adventure trip (5th -13th May) [closed]

Basically, due to a break up and cancellation of previous arrangements, I find myself with a free week next week and I really fancy doing some

Sporting activities in Goa

Me along with my friends are planning to tour Goa on Sept 29-Oct2. We are really interested in jet skiing, scuba diving, sailing and various such sporting acti

Is there still tubing going on in Vang Vieng, Laos?

I've been reading about the shutdown of tubing in Vang Vieng. I'm wondering if someone has information about whether the authorities enforce the shutdown? I was

Which place is best for for "sky diving" out of Rome, Paris & Venice? [closed]

I am planning to visit Rome, Paris & Venice for a holiday. One of my want is to do skydiving through an aeroplane. Can anyone tell me out

Finding a nice, secluded cabin in the U.S. wilderness

What are some good resources to use in searching for a secluded cabin to rent in the U.S. wilderness? Some places I've looked: Wikitravel occasionally refere

Can I explore London by Roller skating?

I'm French and I plan to stroll in London for a few days. I usually enjoy sightseeing alone, on my roller skates. In France it's mostly allowed to skate on sid

Whalewatching around New York City

Where can I go for whalewatching in/around(travel time ~1 h) New York City? I will be there in mid of July and i heared, that the whalewatching season starts at

Park or lake with jogging and outdoor gym in Kuala Lumpur?

In many cities there's an obvious place to go for a run, such as along a beach front, around a lake, along the river, or some nice big park. In Kuala Lumpur th

What are some safe places to travel in South America? [closed]

So for our honeymoon, we're thinking about heading to South America for about 6 weeks. We're outdoorsy people and we're active but as I'm tra

Travel to Scotland over Christmas & New Years: are hiking & outdoor activities right out?

I'm trying to plan a trip to Scotland & I don't want to wait >6 months for a number of reasons. It looks like there are a lot of winter festivals all ov

Is there a free public outdoor gym somewhere in Dalat, Vietnam?

I like to have a bit of a workout in those public gyms you find in parks in cities and towns around the world. I especially like to find ones with chin-up bars