Category "shared-taxis"

What time do buses and/or marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi for Batumi?

I'm trying to find out for a hostel guest what time buses and/or marshrutkas depart Tbilisi to get to Batumi. I can find on the Internet that the travel time i

How much to pay for hiring marshrutka in Ukraine?

I was in Ukrainian mountains with the group and the marshrutka was hired in Lviv to transport us directly into Carpathian Mountains. This was very convenient an

Mountain road between Batumi and Akhaltsikhe

Is it realistic to hire a "taxi" or a marshrutka to go from Batumi to Akhaltsikhe and then to Borjomi via the mountain road? The idea is to see the sights, tho

What time do buses and marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi for the Azerbaijan border?

I am planning to travel from Tbilisi to Baku via the Red Bridge border crossing. Could you advise me what time buses and marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi's railw

What are the options of getting from Beyneu to Aktau in Kazakhstan?

I'm going by train from Moscow to the Kazakh village of Beyneu. From there I'll either hitchhike or take a marshrukta to Aktau. How easy is it to find a driver

How do I get from Tbilisi to Yerevan?

Looks like people from the Caucasus generally use minibuses to get from place to place, but as the system is pretty informal, I haven't seen specific informatio

What exactly is a marshrutka (маршрутка)?

Hеllo аll, Recently I was in Nizhny Novgorod (Нижний Новгород).

Kamjanez-Podilsky to Lwiw?

On 12th of February in the later afternoon I would like to travel from Kamjanez-Podilsky to Lwiw as I need to catch a plane in the morning. I would like to go

Alternatives to taxis in Japan

There are a large number of sites I wish to visit in the wider Tokyo area that are not accessible by train or bus. Often the nearest station or bus stop is a fe