Category "languages"

Language to communicate in tourist places in Bratislava? English is sufficient?

Is English sufficient to communicate in tourist places in Bratislava (musea, buying tickets, restaurants, receptions in hostels)? Should I expect that English w

Books in Malaysian language in Kuala Lumpur

I like to buy books in every language I can when I travel so I'd like to pick up some literature in Malaysian. Yesterday I found an enormous Kinokuniya booksho

How to ask drivers not to take me to the bus station when hitchhiking in Thailand?

I'm hitchhiking around the world again and have hit a snag in Thailand. In Malaysia people generally understand a bit of English and generally "get" the idea o

Which language should I learn for a trip to Bali?

I plan to travel to Bali and want to learn some basic words in native language, like "Hello", "Thank you", .... But I'm not sure which language is native to Ba

Somewhere tourists can lightly study Mongolian calligraphy in Inner or Outer Mongolia?

I'm currently in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia after having travelled through Inner Mongolia, China - which I'll return to when my current visa expires. I bought an En

Can a foreign tourist attend Okinawan language class in Naha?

I arrived in Naha, Okinawa yesterday and took an interest in the local language as usual since languages are one of my hobbies. Okinawan is a dying language se

Is there a practical point in learning foreign words while travelling?

It is frequently advised for travelers to learn the basic vocabulary in whatever is the local language in the country they're visiting. The reasons usually give

Language problems at the airport?

I have a family member who speaks Romanian but not English, French or any other world language. If she flies alone, how can she pass through the control points

Distinguishing Tamil speakers from Sinhalese speakers in Sri Lanka

When in Sri Lanka I would like to use a few words of either Tamil or Sinhalese with the locals. How can I tell which language I should try? Are there cultural a

Should you use English or (possibly broken) Japanese in Japan?

So I'm going to Japan next month with friends, and I'm the only one speaking reasonably good Japanese. However, I am really nervous about how to approach people

Is translation of passport stamps necessary?

I am applying for a visa to the UK, and the application requirement says that documents that are not in English or Welsh must be translated into English. The is

What does this Chinese character 天 mean on my visa?

In my Chinese visa, against "Days after entry", I find this character: 天 Google translate says it means day, sky, heavens, God, etc. What exactly does i

As a native English speaker, which two further languages would give me the most travel utility worldwide?

This follows on from a travel conversation a group of us had in a hostel in London. Assuming I am travelling randomly between countries and continents, which t

"Speaking" Korean without really speaking Korean, as a tourist in South Korea

I'm thinking of visiting South Korea as a tourist, and I'm wondering if some preparations short of a full on study of the language will help. In particular, I'm

How to key in Asian names when making a flight reservation? [duplicate]

Let's assume my name is "A B C" for the argument's sake. It's an Asian name, and it is written that way in the passport (more or less. Actual

Languages in Bulgaria? [closed]

There is a realistic chance that I will be working in Sofia for a year or more soon. I care quite a lot about being able to communicate with l

What's the best way to signal that I'd prefer to be served in English?

I'm traveling in an area where bilingualism - specifically, English - is extremely common. As in, I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't speak pretty good English

Catalan or Spanish in Barcelona?

I am going on a city trip to Barcelona, and as usual, I want to learn a few local words so that I can ask directions or order my drinks that way. My question,

Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television

There is a teletext feature on the televisions in the hotel rooms. In England there was a way to get subtitles to appear by going to the teletext interface and

City in Peninsular Malaysia to immerse in Malay language?

I like to self-study the local language in the places I travel to. I don't do courses or attend classes. I just arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It's a very