Category "tropical-destinations"

What kind of questions should I be asking about tropical destinations?

Tropical destinations have to be one of the most popular categories, which means there are always deals popping up, so it's hard not to be dri

Is it possible to build up malaria and dengue resistance?

I have heard that in countries where malaria or dengue fever are endemic, local residents have built up resistance to the diseases so that contracting them is r

What type of mosquito repellent is most effective?

There are many different kinds of insect repellents and bug sprays on the market: sprays and lotions, chemical and natural, huge percentages of DEET and lower p

How to make ear plugs work in the tropics

To get a decent sleep I nearly always use foam ear plugs when I travel, as I wake up to easily from any noise. I have a preferred brand and they work pretty wel

Where lies the closest tropical rain forest to Mainland Europe?

I know that "Europe" has its own tropical rain forest in French Guyana. But if you focus on continental Europe, where lies the closest tropical rain forest in t

What is the most affordable tropical getaway from Seattle? [closed]

I'm looking to plan a 4-5 day trip at the end of March to get away from the cold and relax. I've just moved to Seattle from the East Coast whe

Is there an effective insect repellent than can be used indoors?

When I travel, I find myself getting bitten by mosquitoes not when I'm outside hiking, but when I'm inside eating or relaxing or otherwise sitting still. All th

How predictable is the weather in Kuala Lumpur in the rainy season?

When I hitchhiked through KL last year it didn't rain at all so I didn't need to take precautions. I think it was July/August. Now at the end of November there

Can visiting saunas make me more prepared for heat in desert and tropics?

I am curious if it is possible to prepare my body for the heat during the African summer by visiting saunas. Would visiting humid or dry saunas on a regular bas

Is the Sea of Stars real?

I fairly frequently see pictures online of this semi-mythical glittering beach in the Maldives. However I can't find any accounts of people having actually visi

Should I cancel my Miami vacation? [closed]

I was supposed to be there 31 Aug - 6 Sep. But, with the storm threat, I don't know if it's really worth it. If there is a storm, will it affe

How can anyone dare to swim in the ocean/sea-facing beaches with the shark risk? [closed]

I've only watched "Jaws" a few times in my life, but as supernatural and evil as that shark is, the fact remains that people have been eaten b

Apart from these countries, is there any other one where you can see the auroras and at the same time go to a tropical forest in their territory?

Of course, I am including all the overseas territories of these countries: UK, France, The Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. In all of the countries I pre