Category "paraguay"

Planning air travel between Paraguay and Colombia

I am traveling to Paraguay and Colombia this October (order and exact dates are still flexible at this time). Being a resident of the United States, I am accos

Land transportation between Asunción, Paraguay and Santiago, Chile

I just booked my flight from Asunción to Santiago, but it occurred to me that given how short of a trip it is (based on the flight time, anyway), I start

Are patrons expected to tip at restaurants in Paraguay?

So I finish my meal at a restaurant in Asunción, and I'm getting ready to pay when I notice at the top of my receipt it says, "propina no incluida" ("tip

Is a Paraguay multiple-entry visa valid for more than 90 days in total?

I have a friend from Canada that wants to visit me in Paraguay. She might be staying a bit longer than 90 days (maximum stay allowed for tourist visa), and I w

Easiest way to get to Paraguay from Puerto Iguazu?

I'm in Puerto Iguazu for a couple of days to see the waterfalls there. It seems to be pretty simple to get to Brazil. But I would also like to go to Paraguay. H

Buy bus ticket on line for use between Paraguay and Argentina

I want to book a bus ticket on line from Asuncion Paraguay to Resistencia Argentina - is there a web site with English to do so

Can I get married and then still go visit to the USA on my same tourist visa I had before changing my maiden name and being married?

I am a Paraguayan citizen who has visited the USA once four years ago. I am planning to obtain a tourist visa to go meet my fiancés family for two weeks

How does Daylight Saving Time work in Paraguay?

My memory may be a bit foggy, and my Spanish comprehension was not excellent, but I will recall my experience as best I can. Maybe someone can shed some light o

Buses from Asunción to Iguazu (any)

I'm trying to plan a trip from Asunción to Iguazu Falls (Ciudad del Este Seems like it'll be easiest, but I've also read it's a bit seedy, so open to rou

Can I use BRL for the US visa fee in Asuncion?

I am travelling to Asuncion, Paraguay as an American. Paraguay levies a reciprocity fee of $160, which must be paid in cash. I can pay this upon arrival, and m

What is the ID number on this old Paraguayan ID card and does it matter for ESTA?

I'm submitting my ESTA application and I have dual citizenship (Italian/Paraguayan due to jus soli). In order to submit my ESTA the application asks whether I w

Itaipú and Iguazú in one/two days from Rio

I'll be travelling from Europe to Brazil (Rio). I would like to use this opportunity and see the Water Plant of Itaipu and the Waterfalls of Iguazú as a

Visiting Iguazu on 3 Sides

There is already a question about seeing two sides of Iguazu but what about all three? What is the minimal number of border crossings required to visit all 3 s

Paraguay Visa Exemption for Canadian visiting Iguazu

Paraguay officially requires a visa for Canadian citizens. This is spelled out in the official Canadian site about travel. It says here: Visas Tourist

When does the train from Encarnación to Posadas run?

There is an international train that between Encarnacion, Paraguay to Posadas, Argentina. Found a mention of it in a guidebook and it has it's own page at Wikip

Is there any elevator between the first floor (car rental) and second floor (departure area) in Asuncion airport (Silvio Pettirossi airport, ASU)?

Is there any elevator between the first floor (car rental) and second floor (departure area) in Asuncion airport (Silvio Pettirossi International Airport, ASU)?

When driving from Paraguay to Brazil via Ciudad del Este, with the intent to drive back to Paraguay, does one need to get a stamp at the border?

When driving from Paraguay to Brazil via Ciudad del Este (Puente Internacional de la Amistad aka Friendship Bridge), with the intent to drive back to Paraguay (

Can a "shorter-than-usual" entry stamp be extended?

I entered Paraguay by land and they gave me 15 days instead of 90 days. It was due to the fact that it looked suspicious to them that I didn't have hotel reserv