Category "riga"

Sightseeing and food in Riga [closed]

I am going to Riga, Latvia for two days in few days. Out of your experience, what should I go look at and where should I eat. Any suggestion

How can I get an apartment in Riga, Latvia From the US? [closed]

This Latvian real estate web site has daily postings come up for recently vacated apartments, but the more affordable ones in a good location

Gluten-free restaurants in Riga

I will be travelling to Riga for a few days & being a coeliac, I would really appreciate any recommendations for gluten-free restaurants.

Are there trains beween Tallinn, Riga and Warsaw?

I'm planning a trip to Poland for July and August. I thought it would be a good idea to visit some of the other countries around Poland since I was going to be

Should I leave tips in Latvian hotels

Should I leave tips in hotels in Latvia? Each day I put 2-3 lats (about 4-6 dollars) on the table, but each evening I'm returning to the room I find money untou

Is it possible to visit Riga (Latvia) from Stockholm by plane in one day? [closed]

I would like to ask, is it possible to do a day trip to Riga from Stockholm? I found inexpensive flights by Air Baltic for 90 euro from Arlan

Trains between Riga and Tartu

On Tartu's wikitravel page it states Direct trains between Tartu and Riga are scheduled to resume after the completion of track construction. I will be i

Is it considered bad manners to eat in public (on a bench) in Latvia?

Recently I got yelled at by a stranger (middle-aged man) when I was eating pizza, which I purchased at a cheap restaurant (and chose take-away), sitting on a be

Is there somewhere to buy used Latvian books in Riga?

I'm finally travelling in the Baltics and hoping to add to my collection of translations of a certain famous novel that I collect. As a booklover and as a perso