Category "vienna"

Please help me understand this Deutsche Bahn schedule from Prague to Vienna

OK, I'm in the "dream" planning stages for my next trip to Europe. Prague and Vienna is a contender. So I get this Deutsche Bahn (DB) app for my iPhone and ty

Austria in September

I am planning a trip to Austria in September for myself and my wife (both Canadians). The rough plan is to spend 7-8 days, and we'd like to visit Vienna, Salzbu

What is the most beautiful and pleasant city for a citytrip? Vienna or Budapest? [closed]

We are planning on sending our parents on a citytrip for our dad's 60th birthday. Both my parents are very interested in architecture and enjo

Train from Zurich to Vienna - anything to look out for?

I will be soon be travelling by train from Zurich to Vienna, with 8- and 5-year-old children. Obviously we will be packing 'things to do', but are there any thi

Taking bike as luggage from Bratislava to Vienna

I want to take my bike as a luggage from Bratislava to Vienna. Do you know if any regular bus line (specifically those departing from bus station at Mlynske Niv

Conditions of train ticket between Vienna and Bratislava

I'm planning a trip to Vienna, and I'd like to visit also Bratislava. I've found a page with prices of train tickets:

Hostels in Vienna - reservation and prepaid

I'm planning to spend a few days in Vienna, in hostel, 2 person. I haven't started looking for hostel, so I have the question about the specific of finding host

Would I be able to communicate in Vienna in German?

I'm planning a trip to Vienna. Since I know German quite well, I didn't foresee any problems... but after reading Wikipedia articles about dialects in Austria,

Preparing food yourself in hostels in Vienna?

Is it generally allowed to prepare own food in hostels in Vienna, and should I expect them to have a kitchen appropriate for it? When staying in Berlin, I've m

Vienna - groceries opening hours during weekend

In which hours are the groceries opened during weekend in Vienna? I will arrive there Saturday before noon, I'd like to know if I should take the food for 2 da

Can I change a hotel booking from free cancellation rates to pre-paid rates?

I am visiting Vienna in April next year and am thinking of booking a hotel via one of the hotel providers like Is it all right to book at free canc

How can I find good classical music concerts in Vienna?

I am looking for good concerts in Vienna. I heard there are a lot of tourist traps around. Specially from sellers in the street "dressed up as Mozart". I heard

insider restaurant tip for traditional cuisine in Vienna [closed]

we would like to find a non-touristy place where locals go to, serving Austrian dishes, downtown Vienna

Do Indian nationals require a transit visa at Vienna travelling from Ukraine to India? [duplicate]

One of my friends is studying in Ukraine, now he wants to travel to India for vacation via Vienna. Does he require a transit visa?

How does one "navigate" by train across Central Europe? [closed]

We are a family of 4, 2 youth aged 21 and 24. We plan to reach Lucerne on 19th of July 2014.... Lucerne-2 nights, then Salzburg 3 Night, then

Skipping second leg when transferring in Vienna

I booked a flight BUD-VIE-ZRH a while ago. It looks like I will need to go to a meeting in Vienna anyway around those dates, so I am thinking about skipping the

Taizé prayer in Vienna: where?

I'm going to Vienna for 5 days. Where I live use to go to the Taize' prayer in some Parrish. I know this is international and that many people, after coming ba

Buying Mozart balls at a decent price in Vienna

I'm now leaving from Vienna and I want to bring back home some nice souvenir. And so... What's better than Mozart balls? 😀 However last time I was here

Micro SIM 3G for iPad in Vienna?

Next week I am leaving for Vienna and staying there for a week. I'm staying there for work, alone, and since I need to get in contact with my colleagues and f

Layover at Vienna for 6 hours - enough for some sightseeing?

In a week I'll be travelling from Sofia to Copenhagen, but with a transit through Vienna. I'll be arriving at 9:00 and my next flight is at 15:15, which makes a