Category "mountains"

Can I visit the castles/fortresses in the mountains around Turin, Northern Italy?

Three years ago I traveled from Turin to Paris by train, and saw amazing old castles all across the mountains. Are any of them available for a visit? I'm going

Elm, Switzerland - Suvorov monument and Glarus thrust

I'm searching for any tours in this municipality from Bern. I'm going to visit Elm to view the Suvorov monument there: and the Glarus thrust: Do you know

Do I need sunglasses in the Dolomites?

I was recommended to have sunglasses when hiking in the Dolomites, as the surfaces are of rather light color and reflect a lot of light. I was hiking in other

How to prepare for a trip to the Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park?

I'm a huge mountain fan and I'd really like to go to the Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park. Since today I only did some hiking tours in the Alps and therefore

Sacred mountains in Japan?

I read about a sacred mountain in Japan that was not Fuji. You know - the kind with monasteries all around and nice hiking in the hills. So now I wonder if this

How to get from Caracas to Mount Roraima?

Mount Roraima is said to be the mountain that one in the Pixar movie "Up" is based on. Pixar image: Photo: If I'm in Caracas, what's the simplest land-

Is Mount Pilatus worth visiting in winter?

I'm going to be in Luzern in late February for a couple of days and a friend suggested visiting Mount Pilatus and going up to the summit. He visited in summer a

Everest Base Camp Hiking

What is the difficulty level and how much would that cost for Everest Base camp hiking? As for me, I'm pretty fit and do regular sport. Also,

Hiring a Ferrari in Italy

I am planning a trip to Italy, and would like to hire a Ferrari for a day. I am aware that this will be expensive. What should I watch out for? When the deduct

Good mountains to camp on in Japan

I'm planning a trip to Japan next year. It will be my first time there. While there, I'll probably spend a few days hitting up the major tourist attractions,

Huashan Cliffside Path: Accessible for tourists?

Today I saw some very nice pictures of the Huashan Cliffside Path in China: Now I'm asking myself if this path is accessible for tourists? This means, if I h

Issues when camping during trek in Georgia?

What should I consider when planning to sleep in tents during trekking in Georgia? We plan to move for about 2 weeks to Georgia, about half that time in cities

Legal and security issues with wild camping in Ukrainian mountains?

What are the legal and security issues with wild camping in Ukrainian mountains? First of all: is it legal? I've heard, that many groups camp in mountains, inc

How much to pay for hiring marshrutka in Ukraine?

I was in Ukrainian mountains with the group and the marshrutka was hired in Lviv to transport us directly into Carpathian Mountains. This was very convenient an

What shoes required for simple trekking in Georgia?

I'm planning a trip in Georgia, where I plan to visit main cities and spend a few days on trekking in mountains. I don't plan any glacier trekking or climbing,

Can Albania be considered secure?

Can Albania be considered secure? How secure is Albania (particularly in the mountains) compared to countries like Ukraine or Romania? What security issues sho

Do I need to make a reservation in a mountain hut in Slovakia in the Tatra mountains?

I'd like to go trekking in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia, and sleep in mountain huts. Do I need to make a reservation before the trip? Or can I reasonably ex

Where is this mountain with very striking bright colors?

This blog has an image from Zhangye, Province of Gansu, China. This mountain is made of earths or stones in gradients of often bright colors, predominantly r

Is there an online community to find travel partners (for mountains, sightseeing etc.)?

Is there an online community to find travel partners for mountain trekking or sightseeing, or anything else? I don't want to travel to foreign mountains alone,

Mountain rescue and medical care in Georgia?

How does using the mountain rescue and medical care services (in case of emergency) work in Georgia? Is buying insurance required for an EU citizen? If so, how