Category "dual-nationality"

I am a dual Australian/British citizen with an expired emergency Aussie passport and a valid UK passport. What are my chances for an Aussie visit?

I was going to have to miss my brother's wedding on Jan 4th but he bought me a flight today. But my Aussie passport is expired and was only an emergency passpor

I have booked a flight from the USA to China and am a dual national. How do I avoid China getting to know this?

I have two passports, both US and China. I want to visit China with my Chinese passport for its convenience. Therefore, when I book my round-trip ticket to Chin

Can Iranian-American dual nationals enter the EU without a visa?

I know that the visa waiver is being reconsidered but I'm not sure if anything has changed yet. For those booking flights, until when can they be sure they'll b

Can a citizen of New Zealand return home on an expired NZ passport, if they also possess a valid UK passport?

I'm a New Zealander by birth. I'm a full citizen, resident and anything else you can put a label to, but my passport has expired. I also happen to have a UK p

Travelling back to the UK after naturalisation without a UK passport

I have a dual Polish [1] and British citizenship, but no British passport yet. If I have to leave the UK now (using my old Polish passport), will I have any pro

Dual UK citizen who also has a UK Visa

I am a dual citizen of the UK and Nigeria. I have surprisingly been given a UK visa before I was given a UK Passport and the visa is still valid. I now have a U

Travelling to US under Visa Waiver Program using newly acquired citizenship

I am a Romanian citizen and I have recently acquired Hungarian citizenship as well. I was never a resident of Hungary. I have valid passports from both countr

Which passport to use for airline check-in for dual citizenship [duplicate]

I am a Canadian living in Canada with another citizenship from a country (Country A) that does not recognize dual citizenship. Citizens of Co

Effect of Telling UK You Are Also US Citizen When Renewing Passport?

My kids have British Passports and US passports. Mom is US, Dad is UK citizen, kids born in US. The kids' UK passports have just expired and I will renew them

Advantages or disadvantages of triple citizenship? [closed]

Are there any advantages or disadvantages of having triple citizenship (or beyond that) that is not the case with dual citizenship? Does the t

Living in the UK with German passport, but going abroad with Brazilian passport. Will this be a problem to reenter the UK?

We live in the UK and my daughter has dual citizenship. However, she never entered the UK with her Brazilian passport, only with the German passport. Now we are

Entering the UK with dual Danish/Chinese citizenship from China

My son has 2 passports, Danish and Chinese. My wife is Chinese and I'm Danish. We are currently living in Japan, but will be going to the UK later in the year.

Dual nationality (two passports) entering Canada with one and USA with another?

I am citizen of two states (Serbia and Croatia). I would like travel to Canada with my Croatian passport (no Visa requirements for Croatian citizens) and enjoy

Can a dual Schengen/non-EU citizen enter the Schengen area with his non-EU passport?

Suppose that one is a citizen of both France and Japan, and is traveling from Japan to Italy. Can she enter Italy with the Japanese passport, or must she presen

Overstayed visa in Hungary, but attained citizenship during this time. What will happen to me when I leave?

I came to Hungary (from the US) for family business and during my stay here I attained Hungarian citizenship. However, I have overstayed my 90 day visa. When I

How can a dual citizen of Israel and Russia travel to the "Arab Boycott" countries without getting into trouble?

My friend is a dual citizen of Israel and Russia, who was born in Russia and lives in Israel. He would like to travel to some of the countries which currently b

Dual British-Bulgarian national, can I enter Bulgaria with my British passport

Could I enter Bulgaria with my British passport if both my Bulgarian passport and my Bulgarian ID card have expired?

Can a Pakistani dual citizen visit Israel without any problems?

Pakistan does not recognize Israel (not sure if vice versa), so Pakistani citizens cannot travel there. However if a Pakistani holds an European passport as w

Dual Canadian and British citizen - healthcare coverage in the UK?

I want to know if I am entitled to medical assistance in the UK while visiting for 3 weeks in June. I am travelling on my Canadian passport since my UK one is o

Are Israeli dual citizens allowed to cross via the Allenby Bridge?

The Allenby Bridge is located on the border between Jordan and the West Bank. Wiki mentions the following restrictions for Israelis: Israeli citizens are no