Category "dual-nationality"

As a dual citizen, am I allowed to travel outside of the European Union without using the EU passport?

My case is the following: I have Brazilian and Italian citizenships and I'm currently living in Germany, for over an year now. I plan to travel to Brazil this h

Can I enter the USA? I have dual citizenship (Japan and USA), but I have been to Iran with my Japanese passport

I have dual citizenship (Japan and USA). I have been to Iran with my Japanese passport. I would like to know if a US citizen with dual citizenship should hand

For a European with dual citizenship, will US immigration link two passports to the same identity?

I have a friend who travels back and forth from Europe to the States quite often. She is always hassled and threatened to be sent back coming through US Immigra

Dual Canadian and British citizen - healthcare coverage in the UK?

I want to know if I am entitled to medical assistance in the UK while visiting for 3 weeks in June. I am travelling on my Canadian passport since my UK one is o

Traveling to Europe on Indian Passport with Portuguese Cartao de Citado

I am in the UAE on a work visa. My Visa is sent for cancellation this week. I have my Citizen Card from Portugal but i do not have the portuguese passport yet.

Dual Canadian/UK citizen living in Canada. Going to work as a musician in UK for 3 weeks [duplicate]

Which passport do I present to the (Canadian) airline? Canada now insists that Canadian citizens fly with a Canadian passport. Presumably I ne

New British Passport and entering UK for the first time

I am a British Citizen living in South Africa and am applying for a British Passport from South Africa for my 2-year-old son. We are going to the UK in Decembe

I have two passports/nationalities. How do I use them when I travel?

I am a citizen of two different countries, and have two passports. How should I use my passports when traveling?

The 72 hour visa-free transit through China on a dual citizenship

I was reading this helpful guide on transits and read the following in regards to the Pearl River Delta visit from Hong Kong. Applicants must hold a single

I live in US and want to travel to Cuba with my Chilean passport

I just obtained my new Chilean passport and I want to go to Cuba. I live in the US and as you may be aware the requirements for solo travellers have gotten more

Dual nationality on a transit flight [duplicate]

I searched this forum but didn't quite find an answer for my questions. Here is the situation and I really appreciate everyone's help in advan

British citizenship, Polish passport, travelling to the US

I might have to travel for work to the US - for the first time ever. I am currently a holder of a Polish passport (where I was born) but also acquired British c

Can dual US/UK citizen travel with only UK passport and ESTA? [duplicate]

I have a 20-year-old daughter, born in the US to military British parents. She has dual nationality / both birth certificates. Her US passpor

Should people with dual nationality obtain and renew both passports? [closed]

Suppose X is a citizen of two countries, A and B, both of which permit dual nationality. Should they obtain both passports and renew both of t

Do I need a new ESTA after aquiring dual citizenship?

I am about to acquire Italian citizenship. When applying for an ESTA it asks you if you have any other nationalities. My current ESTA has around 20 months left.

When applying for an ESTA do I have to say I have another nationality?

My parents are Turkish Cypriot, but I was born in the UK and both parents had British passports at that time as well. I only view myself as a British citizen an

Should I always use the same nationality to enter the USA?

I was a permanent resident alien in the USA from 1995 to 2005. I was a United Kingdom citizen at the time. I have since visited the USA with my UK passport and

Australian/Japanese passport holder entering Japan

I am just over the age of 22 and taking a 1 week trip to Japan. I have different surnames on my Australian and Japanese passports like so: Mary Jane Smith Mary

Do Japanese citizens have to use a Japanese passport when entering Japan?

A number of countries including the US require that their citizens must enter using that country's passport, even if they're dual citizens and have other valid

Can a valid US visa be transferred to a different passport?

I have a valid US visa on my Indian passport. I changed my nationality to HKSAR. Can my US visa be transferred to my HKSAR passport?