Category "dual-nationality"

I have two passports/nationalities. How do I use them when I travel?

I am a citizen of two different countries, and have two passports. How should I use my passports when traveling?

Am I allowed to use a passport from another country if using my US passport would require a visa?

I am traveling to Tunisia, a country in North Africa, where I am a citizen. I am also a US citizen and was born here. I normally use my US passport going to Tun

Can I renew my expired Belgian passport if I have since taken US citizenship oath?

Can I renew my expired Belgian passport if I have since taken US citizenship oath? The reason I'm asking specifically is because I cannot find concrete informa

Can I enter the US under VWP even though I have a pending J1 visa application? [closed]

I've got a rather long and convoluted question, so I'm going to try and explain everything, so I apologize for the rather lengthy post. Star

Dual citizen travelling to China [duplicate]

I was looking for some advice on going to China from the US. I have dual citizenship, Japan and US, and I want to use my Japanese passport to

I have an expired US passport, can i enter US on my foreign passport with ESTA?

I have an expired US passport, and due to an family emergency in America, i need to travel immediately. The US embassy where i live cannot renew my passport for

Returning to US avoiding arrest warrants [closed]

I have dual citizenship of US and another country. I have a felony warrants/bench warrants in US. I wish to return to the US, is it possible

Dual-nationality traveling to US (EU + other nonwaiver country holding paper visa)

My first son has dual citizenship one EU, one other country not elegible for ESTA but currently holding a paper visa valid for 5 years from a previous travel wh

Expired destination (U.S.) passport; unexpired dwelling (Israel) passport

Help! I just realized my kids' U.S. passports are expired. Their Israeli passports are not. (They're dual citizens, minors, living in Israel.) They (and I) are

Leave UK with second EU passport, return with UK passport?

To save time at border controls can I Leave the UK with another EU passport, and return with my UK passport?

Dual Korean-American; how can I enter Russia with visa-free Korean passport?

I'm planning on flying to Moscow, Russia (SVO) from Incheon, Korea (ICN) in a few days. I am a Korean-American dual citizen, having both a Korean passport and

Can I apply for an ESTA while I have a pending US visa application for my second non-VWP eligible passport?

One month ago, I applied for a US visa using a non-VWP passport and have been selected for administrative processing (no luck I know). Now, I have a new passpo

Can I re-enter Hungary if my residence renewal is in process?

I have two passports, Moroccan and Ukrainian. I got my Hungarian residence permit with my Moroccan passport. Now I am planning to travel to Ru

travelling to Thailand as American/Belgian Dual citizen

I am Belgian and American, born in California. I live in Belgium but my belgian passport has expired so I would like to know if I can go to Thailand only with m

Can you go to a country with other passport when home citizenship is not allowed in country? [duplicate]

Currently, US citizens are somewhat banned from going to Iran. Even while US citizens are not banned, it is still a generally dangerous place

What documents does a dual US-Chinese citizen need to enter Canada and the US?

I will be going home next week to China because my mother is in hospital. I have been admitted to study in Canada and school begins early next month. First, ca

Can a dual national fly if one of the passports expires soon?

I'm a dual national and have passports from both New Zealand and Taiwan. I live in Singapore and have a residence permit. The NZ passport will expire in less th

Dual Citizenship Travel in Europe For Extended Stay [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out the best way to have an extended stay in Europe and was wondering if this was possible with dual citizenship. If I h

Dual citizenship A-B (non US), Passport expiring

I apologize for the seemingly contrived question, but this is actually my current situation, or rather, my mother's, and I am at a loss on what exactly she shou

Dual national traveling to Indonesia, can I use my Albanian to leave my country and my South African passport to enter Indonesia? [duplicate]

I am traveling to Indonesia with 2 stops, one in Germany and another in Singapore. Can I use my Albanian passport to leave Albania and pass th