Category "diving"

Is there any visibility and currents database/website for scuba divers?

I am looking for a database/website that allows looking up currents and visibility information for global (or at least Asian) dive sites. To find this informa

Is Sydney good for scuba diving? [closed]

I'm heading over to Sydney soon and would like to get some dives in locally while staying in the city. I'm interested in diving specifically n

Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer?

I am searching for dive centers which offer shark diving in Asia in summer and read may I find them in Thailand. As it can cost a notable amount of money for me

Reef-safe sunscreen for snorkeling in Mexico?

We will be taking a cruise to Cozumel soon, and plan to do some snorkeling. I've seen several sites mention that the Mexican government requires "reef-safe" bi

Where can I get a scuba diver's license in Ecuador?

I would like to go to Galapagos, therefore I want to do a scuba diving licence in Ecuador. Is there anyone who can recommend a scuba diving school in Ecuador?

What's the closest SCUBA spot to Chiang Mai?

What's the quickest way to go SCUBA diving from Chiang Mai, Thailand (CNX)? Time is a bigger factor than money, but both 'count'. I was thinking of going to Ko

How to insure yourself as an independent traveling scuba diver?

I almost always dive abroad, but for my licences and insurance I have to be a member of a national club. I don't like these clubs and as such considers the annu

Best time of year to scuba dive in Belize/Honduras

I can't seem to find any information on when the best time of year to go scuba diving in Belize or Honduras, only that it's a great place to scuba dive. Does an

Open Water Diver certification in Malaysia in the end of January

As the last leg of my 6-month journey, I will be stopping over in Kuala Lumpur from the 24th to 30th of January. I would like to fly out or take a bus from Kual

Where's the cheapest place in the world for a beginner to learn diving?

Would it mostly be in Southeast Asia? Or somewhere else? In response to this Q being "put on hold" for being too broad, let me add the following: Include only

Are there any places to snorkel in Auckland?

Are there any good places to snorkel on my own in Auckland? By "my own" I mean getting my own equipment and going to the place without needing a boat. Sorry fo

Can you dive into Berlin's Radisson Blu Aquadom?

I'm trying to find out if it's possible to dive into Radisson Blu's Aquadom. I know that there's a lift for tourists that takes you "inside" the aquarium, but I

Liveaboard on the Barrier Reef at New Years - Book now or wait to haggle?

Having got lucky with airmile flight availability, I've just booked a trip which'll see me in Cairns around the new year. I've done some scuba diving in Austral

Where in Chile can I learn to dive with a hose (surface supplied diving)?

I don't really know how much of a learning curve there really is compared to diving with a tank. So, where in Chile can I experience to dive with a hose and an

Is there scuba diving / snorkelling in Sierra Leone that is safe e.g. from sharks?

I am planning to visit Sierra Leone. I have seen some pictures and the beaches are awesome. They have beautiful and appealing islands for diving and snorkeling.

Options for Scuba Diving in Northern Italy? [closed]

I'd like to go Scuba Diving in Northern Italy and would prefer a place with good visibility and great marine life. I'm an Open Water Diver.

In the Grenadines, how could you get scuba tanks for diving if already on a boat?

We will be traveling from St Lucia -> Grenada via the Grenadines on a private sailboat. Travel over land to pickup/return dive gear would most likely be a n

How to find Dive Center reviews & recommendations in Spain / Europe / Egypt

I'm researching where to complete my PADI Open Water Diver course in Spain or Europe or as far as Red Sea, Egypt. I'd also spend time to do 6-12 additional div

What should I consider before choosing a Sub-Aqua Certification Organisation? [closed]

I recently suggested to my fiancé that we certify in Sub Aqua as a hobby. We have both ocean snorkeled and taken some preliminary swim

Differences between Si Amil Island and Mabul Island?

I'm looking at going to dive in the Celebes Sea in (northern) Borneo. And obviously I want to dive at Sipadan Island (yes I do have the required Advanced Open W