Category "cuba"

Is it possible to get the Cuban tourist card (visa) on arrival at Havana Airport?

Is it mandatory to obtain the Cuban tourist card / visa (tarjeta turística) in advance? Or is it possible to get it upon arrival (at Havana airport) too?

Cuban ferry services to other countries

Are there any sail/ferry services that (in the case of sailing, don't require you to be a crew member) will take you to and from Cuba to the various islands and

Cuba Travel by US Citizen and Non-citizen/Non-Resident spouse

As there is no ban on actual travel by a US citizen to Cuba but rather on the financial transactions, on which side of the legal fence would the following scena

Can a non-US citizen living in the US on a J1 visa travel to Cuba?

I am a non-US citizen on a J1 visa doing an internship in the US. I would like to know if it's still possible for me to travel to Cuba, via Charter Flights in M

Is a stopover in Havana a problem for a U.S. citizen?

I'm looking at flights from Mexico City to Paris, and the cheapest option has a single stop in Havana, Cuba. As a U.S. citizen, can this get me into trouble--s

What's the cheapest way to fly to Cuba?

I supposed that getting to Cuba by flying from neighboring countries will be much cheaper than the same from Europe, but I have realized that fly prices from Ca

Does Air Europa require a tourist visa to Cuba? [closed]

Does Air Europa require you to have a tourist visa for Cuba to get on board or can I buy it at Havana Airport?

How to get to and from Cayo Coco in Cuba

I am going to Cuba in a week's time and sorting out the final details of our itinerary. My girlfriend and I will spend a couple nights in Trinidad. We would li

Cuban US resident traveling from Canada to Cuba and back

I am a Cuban with a US resident card and I'm traveling from Canada to Cuba and I was wondering if I need a Canadian visa to come back from Cuba to get into Cana

Will using a Mexican debit card in Cuba get me in trouble in the US?

I'm a US Citizen with Mexican residency. If I were to open a Mexican bank account, could I use my Mexican debit card in Cuba? Or would this somehow be traceabl

Dual Citizen (US/UK) Cuba Travel

This is a bit of a complicated case. I am a dual citizen of UK and US, though am a resident of the US. I left the USA with my British passport (the exit stamp i

Confirming that Santiago de Cuba to Dominican Republic route exists

I finish my Cuba trip in Santiago de Cuba and need to connect to South America. As of now, my two options, according to Rome2Rio, are Get back to Havana, Cuba

How to obtain tickets for Cancun to Havana flight?

Everywhere I've looked, websites just state to buy a ticket when in Cancun, but where can I do this? Are there offices in Cancun or do I have to go to Cancun ai

Is Guantánamo Bay, Cuba open to visitors/tourists?

Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but I was wondering if Guantánamo was open to tourists. I have read it is not possible in some forums, but again, those a

US law and travel to Cuba for citizens of third countries

I'm French and I'm going to the United States soon and I want to visit Cuba on the same trip. Is it possible to do so from the United States? I have French pass

Tipping in Cuba as a Canadian

I will go to Cuba in the following days and I am not sure how to tip. On Tripadvisor It says: Do not tip with coins of your own currency, because foreign coin

Can I get the Cuba tourist card from Aeroflot or at Havana?

Can I get the Cuba tourist card when boarding Aeroflot from Moscow? I'm an Indian citizen travelling from Delhi-Moscow-Cuba.

Travel to Cuba as dual citizen (USA+other)?

Suppose I am a U.S. citizen with dual citizenship with another country. Citizens of this second country are allowed to travel to Cuba. Suppose further that I

How should an American citizen licensed to go to Cuba bring money?

If I am a U.S. citizen with a specific educational license to travel to Cuba for two months, how should I bring money? I can't use any of my cards since they w

Can US citizens go to Cuba freely and vice versa after the recent diplomatic relation restoration?

A recent full diplomatic relation restoration between the US and Cuba took place, does that mean that US citizens can go to Cuba freely and vice versa?