Category "chile"

Kayak options in Patagonia

We'll be traveling to Patagonia (Chilean side) and staying there for about a week. We're very interested in undertaking a kayak trip when down there. However, s

What's the furthest south (in Chile) that you can get from Santiago, Chile by public bus?

If you look at a map of Chile, it's long and thin, and as you get further south, more and more rugged. At some points you require boat, it would seem, to conti

How to get to Easter Island?

Once in my life I would really like to see those statues from the Easter Island. Image from Wikipedia. Since it is really far away from anywhere else, I wond

The Atacama Giant

I would really like to see the Atacama Giant. On Wikipedia it is just mentioned that it is in the Atacama desert. But this desert is really big. Where should I

How much US Cash can I bring into Chile

How much US cash can I bring into Chile? How would you find the answer to this question for other countries?

Santiago to Iquique by bus

A commenter on my blog post about my bus ride from Santiago to Iquique asked the following question: I want to travel from Santiago to Iquique by bus. Any b

How to get from Buenos Aires to Santiago de Chile by land

I want to get from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago de Chile by land. What is the recommended route and what are the alternatives? Aprox. how much it costs a

La Paz to Santiago by bus

I want to travel from La Paz to Santiago de Chile by bus and was wondering which company to use and how much it would cost. I know its a 24 hour bus ride.

Land transportation between Asunción, Paraguay and Santiago, Chile

I just booked my flight from Asunción to Santiago, but it occurred to me that given how short of a trip it is (based on the flight time, anyway), I start

Is the reciprocity fee for US citizens only charged if you arrive at Santiago International Airport?

According to the US State Department website (emphasis mine): A Tourist Card will be issued for a stay of up to 90 days upon payment of a reciprocity fee, c

Do you only have to pay the reciprocity fee once per passport?

So I just arrived in Santiago this afternoon, and wouldn't you know it... my passport was the wrong color. So I trudged over to the desk to pay the reciprocity

Taking expensive camera gear to a South America trip?

I intend to travel to South America, mainly Chile, Peru and Ecuador, but maybe also Bolivia and Colombia. The thing is, I want to take some decent landscape and

Is it recommended to travel to Patagonia in May?

We're currently planning a South America trip and would love to go to Patagonia. But we're only starting in late April/early May and I'm afraid it's gonna be ve

Making sense of colectivos in Viña del Mar

I'm trying to plan a trip from Viña del Mar to visit a friend in downtown Valparaiso. He gave me a colectivo route to take (a colectivo is basically a t

5 weeks in Peru + Bolivia + Chile, is too little time?

I'm planning to travel alone, using buses/trains. I would also like to spend few days every so often on the beach to rest... in both Peru and Chile. Does it s

Bus between Mendoza and Santiago: are there precipitous drop-offs on the edge of the road?

I'm planning to travel by bus between Mendoza, Argentina and Santiago, Chile. I don't have a head for heights, hence my question: Are there any terrible precip

How can I go to Cape Horn by boat in a cheap way?

I would like to go from Ushuaia to Cape Horn by sailing boat. Would be a one week trip. Is there anyone who know how to arrange it in a more or less cheap way?

Visiting salt flats in Bolivia from Chile

I want to travel from Santiago (Chile) to Lima (Peru). I will not go through Bolivia but I would like to visit the salt flats from the Chilean side. Is this pos

Extend my tourist visa toward the end of my "declared" trip or wait until closer to the visa expiration?

When I came to Chile, I originally thought I would only be here for 1 month, so that's what I put on my tourist card. However, now there's a good chance I'm go

What are the safest bus companies in Bolivia and Chile?

I need to travel from La Paz, to Salar De Uyuni and then to Chile, and from Chile come back to Peru. For "safe", I mean reliable companies in terms of delays/b