Category "activities"

Where to find good cave-swimming? [closed]

I'd love to travel to a place that has a good cave-swimming adventure.* I'd like it to be: Safe Warm Fun Suitable for an amateur Good for ph

Rome football derby - how can I visit it?

I want to get into the Rome for the famous Rome derby, but don't know anything about possibilities of buying the ticket for foreigners, on which stadium should

Beach activities for 60 year old parents in Langkawi, Malaysia?

My parents are in their 60s and we are planning to bring them to Langkawi, Malaysia. I'm not sure what kind of activities they might enjoy over there, so, could

Are there any museums in Stockholm for children? (not Junibacken)

I heard about museum near the Stockholm in which children can make some experiments in chemistry, physics and so on, but I completely forgot its name. Can you h

Tickets for the Italian F1 Grand Prix at Monza [closed]

I'm looking for the buying the general admission tickets for the Italian F1 Grand Prix weekend. I have the following questions Can I hope to

Geek stuff to do in Las Vegas

Obviously, the Star Trek Experience would have been a good suggestion. But consider that I'm a science fiction geek, computer programmer, technologist, those ki

What are the best day-trips for a single traveler staying in Cairo?

I'm visiting Cairo, Egypt in November and was wondering what people would suggest as the best single-day trips and activities, and what tips might apply specifi

What one-day trips are available from Zurich (Switzerland)?

I'm looking for some suggestions for one-day trips from Zürich (Switzerland). It isn't limited to Switzerland, but the place should be reachable within one

Which are the main spa baths in Switzerland and which are their characteristics?

My girlfriend and I love thermal bath and spa and we would like to visit one or more of these places in our stay in Switzerland. Is there any list of the availa

Learn to sail in Sydney?

In January I'll have a few days in Sydney (Australia) after a relative's wedding. Sailing is something I've always been keen to try, and Sydney seems like a pe

Where can I see a Mbalax performance in Dakar?

I'd like to see a performance of Mbalax, a type of dance music in Senegal incorporating modern music and traditional drumming. Is it very common? Where in the c

Can a tourist take part in the annual carnaval parade in Rio de Janeiro?

Can you take part in the famous Carnaval parade in Rio de Janeiro if you are there only for a limited period, or would that require quite some preparations?

How can I get a flight with a supersonic plane?

My dream is to fly with a supersonic plane. Since the Concorde is no longer active, I don't think it is possible to do this with a regular plane. So how can I g

Jogging in Tokyo and Osaka

I'm not a huge fan of jogging on crowded sidewalks even in the US, and I expect many sidewalks in Tokyo and Osaka will only be more crowded. What locations in

Is Badlands unique or are there similar parks to go Dinosaur fossil hunting?

Thinking of taking my kid on to look at some fossils. I am definitely planning a visit to the Badlands to go dinosaur bone hunting but are there other parks or

Coverage of unusual activities with travel insurance

If you're planning on doing an unusual activity, that isn't directly prohibited (e.g. "no off-piste skiing"), or indirectly prohibited (e.g. roof riding in Indi

Where in India can one wash and play with elephants?

I've seem a documentary in which a host is washing elephants somewhere in India (I believe it was Kerala) but I can't remember where I've seen it. Image court

Where can I go looking for amber in Gdańsk, Poland?

I've read that one can find amber easily in the beaches in Gdansk. I believe it, but how to get to those beaches? Will anyone be offended if I go there and spen

User Group meetings in India?

This may sound like an odd idea, but when I'm travelling I like to go to local user group meetings. I have two reasons for this: It is a good way to meet local

Where in Europe can I pay to fire guns or have military experience?

I have seen several sites for places in Ukraine and Poland where you can drive tanks and shoot various weapons from the Soviet Union.