Category "austria"

Prepaid SIM card for Austria, with mobile internet and relatively cheap foreign calls

I'm planning to spend about a week in Austria. I'd like to have mobile internet (mostly for geocaching). 100MB should be enough, however, it would be good to h

Conditions of train ticket between Vienna and Bratislava

I'm planning a trip to Vienna, and I'd like to visit also Bratislava. I've found a page with prices of train tickets:

Hostels in Vienna - reservation and prepaid

I'm planning to spend a few days in Vienna, in hostel, 2 person. I haven't started looking for hostel, so I have the question about the specific of finding host

Would I be able to communicate in Vienna in German?

I'm planning a trip to Vienna. Since I know German quite well, I didn't foresee any problems... but after reading Wikipedia articles about dialects in Austria,

Preparing food yourself in hostels in Vienna?

Is it generally allowed to prepare own food in hostels in Vienna, and should I expect them to have a kitchen appropriate for it? When staying in Berlin, I've m

Vienna - groceries opening hours during weekend

In which hours are the groceries opened during weekend in Vienna? I will arrive there Saturday before noon, I'd like to know if I should take the food for 2 da

Will my German Aldi Talk work in Austria?

I'm going to be traveling to Vienna in a few days. Will my german Aldi Talk flat rate plan work in Austria? I just want to be able to use my phone to contact pe

Can I use my German T-mobile Prepaid Xtra Tripple card in Austria?

I have a prepaid Xtra Triple card with T-Mobile. I'll be doing some traveling to Austria in the next week, is there anyway to use my data while I'm there withou

Bus ticket price in Salzburg (line 150)

I'm planning to travel to Hallstatt from Salzburg on Tuesday. They told me that I can go there by bus (150 line, Salzburg-Bad Ischl) and train (Bad Ischl-Hallst

Good, safe place to spend a night by a roadside - Austria, Germany

In summer I want to travel a bit about Western Europe. I think I would start with Austria and Germany. Is it possible to (easily?) find place, where I can jus

Prepaid cellphone (Handy) or SIM card for Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary?

I'm going to spend all May 2014 in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungry and I want to have a smart phone to have the possibility to see maps and thins k

Austria - Czech Republic - Germany - What is the best option for mobile phone

I'm planning to spend about 10 days in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany, starting in Austria. I'd like to have mobile internet for maps and getting informat

insider restaurant tip for traditional cuisine in Vienna [closed]

we would like to find a non-touristy place where locals go to, serving Austrian dishes, downtown Vienna

Crossing borders for a couple hours inside the Schengen area with a group of children

I'm a scoutmaster in the Czech Republic and we would like to visit Austria for couple hours with my scout troop (aged 12-16, we're all Czech citizens). Are ther

Is train or bus cheaper in Austria?

I want to travel from Weyer to Salzburg, is it cheaper to go by train or by bus? I haven't been able to find any information about buses in Austria, is there a

Filling in Schengen Visa paperwork: what is my member state of first entry? [duplicate]

While filling in the paperwork for a Schengen Visa with the Embassy of Poland, there is a column that asks for the "member state of first entr

What cities are close to Zurich that have great history around WWII?

A colleague and I will be in Zurich in early October on business. We may have only one "tourist day" for the whole trip. We're both into WWII history and woul

How would you refer to / search on this Alpine region?

Alpine Locals, noticing the area I have shaded in Photoshop ... I'm totally confused whether that would be the "North Tirol", "southern German Tirol", Oberam

Indian Passport stolen in France. Can Indian embassy in Austria issue a new passport?

I am a student in Austria travelling around Europe. My Indian passport was stolen in France. I immediately reported the theft in the nearest police office and g

Accurate hiking maps of Austria

I'm going to Austria for hiking. In Switzerland, we have very accurate maps that are available online for free. Is there anything similar for Austria? I couldn'