Category "australian-citizens"

Will I be able to stay in the U.S. on a second ESTA VWP application?

I have been in the United States since the 1st of May 2013 on a 90 day Visa Waiver Program ESTA. This means the ESTA expires by the end of July. We want to take

Is it really much cheaper for an Australian to get a Chinese visa in Malaysia than in Australia?

I'm flying to Malaysia in about a week and a half and would like to obtain a multiple-entry Chinese visa at some point so I can use The Middle Kingdom as a hub

Applying for Netherlands Working Holiday Scheme whilst in the Netherlands

I am an Australian and eligible for the Netherlands Working Holiday Scheme. However, I am already in the Netherlands (my partner has a job here so I came over w

Does the Lao visa on arrival at the Thai border require a full blank passport page for Australians?

I'm an Australian citizen currently in Bangkok deciding where to travel (preferably overland) next. I just read that for Cambodia I would need to get a full-pa

Is it legal to peel off a visa from your Australian passport?

A friend commented on my Facebook that the Cambodian visa isn't stuck permanently into the passport and suggests I could go there then peel off the visa so the

Are Australian passports expensive in comparison to other western / developed countries?

I decided not to renew my passport before starting this trip because passports are very expensive in comparison to my income and my low travel budget. But when

Does the Laos ANZ bank help with replacement ATM/VISA cards for Australian and New Zealand ANZ bank customers?

On my last legal day in Thailand I realized my ANZ ATM card was missing. I was obliged to cross the border on that day so couldn't stay and leisurely try to res

Cheapest flight generally from Ulan Bator to a country an Australian citizen doesnt need a full page visa for?

My current goal on this trip is to get to Ulan Bator, Mongolia but the Mongolian visa will use up the last blank page of my passport and I intend to keep travel

Does tourist visa (90 days) apply after a long-term visa ends in Schengen countries? [duplicate]

I am an Australian currently on a Netherlands working holiday visa that ends in May next year. I would like to know if when my visa ends I the

Netherlands Working Holiday Scheme for Aussies

No visa is needed for Australians to enjoy the 90/180 standard rule in Schengen area. To extend that time in Holland (and maybe other places) I can apply for a

UK tourist visa refused 3 times. Need to get there for flight home

Around 3 years ago I applied for a temporary working visa for the UK, but it got rejected because I lied to the police once and had some old DUI charges. So I n

How many nationalities can I have? [closed]

I'm was born in Brasil, this is my first nationality. I lived 12 years in Portugal and I received this nationality as well. Some years ago I

Visa requirement for a tourist to South Korea from Australia [duplicate]

One of my friend want to visit South Korea as a tourist from Australia. What is the documents required to apply for tourist visa?

90-day Visa Waiver for Australian

I am Australian and traveling on an Australian passport. My current ESTA expires in September 2015. My 90 day VWP will be up at the end of June. I have spent

Dual Citizen UK Australia, Entering UK on OZ passport to avoid possible UK arrest warrant

My first post here and its a tricky situation. Basically I need to know if I enter the UK on my Australian passport (I have done this before with no problems)

Can I enter the UK as a tourist then on a student visa?

I am an Australian student going on exchange to the UK for six months. I am intending on travelling prior to the commencement of my studies. As a condition of m

Travel when passport has been sent for renewal

I'm starting to worry a little. I have dual passports UK and Australia. I recently got married and had to apply for two new ones with my new name in. My Austral

Why is it difficult/how to make it easier for Americans to understand Australian accents?

In previous travels to the US I had slight communication issues with people on the East Coast of US (New York, Chicago) compared to the West Coast of US (LA, SF

How can I extend my stay in the US for more than 90 days as an Australian Citizen

I am an Australian citizen and would like to stay in the US for longer than the 90 day visa, is there a way I can do this? I do not have a profession so I cann

Travelling after E3 Visa

I am in the process of negotiating with my company to send me to New York on an E-3 visa (Visa for Australians). I know that I can only enter 10 days prior to t