Category "australia"

Places to stop off along the Sydney to Brisbane railway?

I'm hoping this is a constrained enough question to not produce either long lists, or lots of subjective answers, so here goes... In December I'm going to want

Direction to go to Australia -- where does it change?

Where is the "dividing line" between the places from which most people would get to Australia by traveling east and where most would travel west? And are there

How does the scuba diving compare between Coffs Harbour and Byron Bay?

As part of my idea for taking the train from Sydney to Brisbane, and stopping on the way, I'm thinking of stopping off in one of Coffs Harbour or Byron Bay. I'd

Accommodation for a large group in Cairns in November 2012

I'm organising a largish group (around 10, hopefully) to go to Cairns in November for the total solar eclipse on the 14th. With a group that size, it'd be nice

How to get to Christmas Island?

Christmas Island is an island of Australia far off the northwest of the mainland, much closer to Indonesia. (Thanks to Wikimedia Commons for the map) I know I

What foods must I try while visiting Australia? [closed]

I will be traveling to Cairns, Brisbane, and Sydney and was wondering what are the must try foods/dishes I should get while there.

Prepay simcard for data in Australia

I'm arriving in Sydney on Friday for a week. Ideally I'd like a pre-pay simcard for text and data (I need to check my stackexchange sites of course ;)). Howev

Return trip mandatory when leaving Australia? [closed]

Is it mandatory to plan the return trip in advance when leaving Australia (NSW) for 3 months? I ask because airport staff makes it look like t

Best company for flying from Europe to Australia [closed]

Me and my wife are planning a journey to Australia next March. We live in Madrid, Spain, and we would like to know which is the best company f

Is nudity as common at the Australian Burning Man as at the original US Burning Man?

It's pretty well known that the original Burning Man event held annually in is about as free and "do your thing" as possible, to the point that numerous people

When visiting urban areas in Australia, do I need to be worried about deadly insects / animals?

Australia is known to have more than its fair share of deadly insects and animals. These would obviously be a concern when, say, you're off in the wilderness bu

What Australian dishes - Aboriginal or otherwise - made of kangaroo meat should I not miss?

I've eaten kangaroo steak once (in Cambodia). Are there any traditional Australian dishes - Aboriginal in origin or otherwise - exist that use kangaroo meat, an

What is the best base town to look for a 3-4 day scuba diving trip for the Great Barrier Reef?

I am planning to go for a conference in Cairns in June this year, and I am hoping to do a 3-4 day live-aboard scuba diving trip afterward. There are numerous co

Getting to Australia from overseas cheaply and not by air?

I really thought this had been asked before but can't find such a question. I'm looking for either a website or guidebook or detailed directions on how to arri

Daintree National Park as a backpacker

I will have 2.5 days to visit Daintree National Park from Cairns (and get back there). What are the possible itineraries to do it as a backpacker (and keep the

What are the cheapest ways to get from East Asia to Australia?

I have a return ticket that gets me from Turkey to Korea to Australia but it cannot be extended beyond the end of May. I'm thinking of forfei

Does the rotation of the earth affect the travel time from Europe to Australia?

Assuming that a place in Europe is exactly on the opposite side of the earth than Sydney. Now I want to take a plane to travel there. Does it matter if the plan

What is the cheapest way to get from South America to Australia?

What is the cheapest way to get from South America to Australia? I found several flights mostly from Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, however the prices ar

What if you don't get an ETA for a flight to Australia?

As a US citizen, I've gone to Australia twice, and dutifully signed up for the ETA visa on the website and paid my $20 or so and had no hassles on entry. There

Can you eat food refused by quarantine by Australian border control?

If some food you're bringing in is refused by quarantine, are they sometimes willing to let you eat it? Assume there isn't a massive queue behind you and the of