Category "multiple-entry"

Can a New Zealander get a multi entry visa for Zimbabwe on arival?

I will be landing in Victoria Falls and starting a truck tour which goes through Zambia and back into Zimbabwe. When I called the Zimbabwe embassy in London, th

I don't need a visa for a stay under 90 days in South Africa but can I enter SA twice in that time?

I am traveling to South Africa this year on a U.S. passport, and will be taking a safari that leaves South Africa and goes through Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabw

Does a multiple-entry Schengen visa allow visiting other Schengen countries later, without going via the issuing country?

My wife was just issued a multiple entry visa by France, which is good for one year. Our first trip will be to France, the issuing country. My question is: af

Does a multiple-entry Schengen visa allow visiting other Schengen countries later, without going via the issuing country?

My wife was just issued a multiple entry visa by France, which is good for one year. Our first trip will be to France, the issuing country. My question is: af

I am from South Africa, visiting the UK and would like to apply for a multiple entry Schengen visa to visit Paris. Is that possible?

And will it possible to use the Schengen visa to visit Italy etc?

Schengen visa for multiple visits, how to fill out the forms?

I'm planning to travel to France a few times in the next few months (tourist). Since I need a Schengen visa, I just don't know how to fill out the forms (which

Is a Paraguay multiple-entry visa valid for more than 90 days in total?

I have a friend from Canada that wants to visit me in Paraguay. She might be staying a bit longer than 90 days (maximum stay allowed for tourist visa), and I w

Business trip to Germany with a multiple entry visa to Ireland?

A one year multiple entry visa to Ireland (as I was invited on a business trip // in April) was issued to me as I presented invitation letters to Germany (in Ma

Multiple Entry Schengen Visa Tier-4 UK [duplicate]

I have a Tier 4 Student Visa for the UK and am an Indonesian national studying in NYU London for 6 months. What will I need to ensure and p

Documents required for re-entering Schengen area on multiple entry visa

I already got Schengen Visa with Multiple Entries since last year. I think I was lucky because I applied for Single Entry but Embassy gave me Multiple Entry for

How often can you visit on a multiple-entry pass to Singapore?

I have multiple entry visit pass of Singapore valid for 2 year and normally they allow to stay for 30 days in a single visit. How many times I can do this if go

Does a multiple-entry Schengen visa allow visiting other Schengen countries later, without going via the issuing country?

My wife was just issued a multiple entry visa by France, which is good for one year. Our first trip will be to France, the issuing country. My question is: af

Can a normal backpacker obtain a multiple-entry Chinese visa while on the road?

I'm an Australian citizen backpacking around Southeast Asia, currently in Bangkok. I would like to criss-cross China several times on this trip to visit some of

Re-entering Singapore on a multiple-entry visa

I am an Indian citizen on a one-year multiple-entry visitor's visa to Singapore. I am visiting relatives in Singapore. I plan to go to Surabaya for a week and r

Is the visa-free entry to Schengen region multiple entry or single entry?

I entered Germany in June, it was a visa-free entry (because I have an Australian passport) and I stayed 66 days before exiting to UK. Can I now return to Fran

Will I need a double entry visa for Russia?

My trip plan:- 6th October, 2013 - Leave from Mumbai via Delhi to Moscow (SVO) by Air India 16th Oct - Departure from Moscow (SVO) to Paris (CDG) - Ukraine Air

Visiting Australia - Can I go for a week, leave for two weeks, and come back for two months? [closed]

My understanding is that I can visit Australia for three months with a basic travel visa. One issue is that I plan on visiting New Zealand for

Multiple entry visa to UK (sponsored visitor)

I'll be going to UK as sponsored visitor - am I allowed to apply for Multiple visa entry to UK?

Schengen Visa multiple entries - Must every visit be made to the same main country?

Lets say I have France Schengen visa (multiple entries short stay of total 90 days in 6 months). I understand that my first ever visit to Schengen zone has to b

Which embassy will most likely provide a multiple entry Schengen visa?

I have already travelled to schengen area once on a single entry Schengen visa. I am now trying to apply for a schengen visa with the intention of making severa