Category "amsterdam"

From Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Lima (Peru) by flight?

What are the cheapest/shorter flights from Amsterdam, The Netherlands to Lima, Peru and viceversa ? The flights I've found stop over at Madrid, and are around

Can I use the OV-chipkaart to get from Schiphol to the center by train?

According to, there is a direct train from the Schiphol airport to the Amsterdam central station (Amsterdam Centraal). Since I am going to buy t

Is weed still legal for tourists in Amsterdam?

I have heard it's not legal starting from 2013. I also heard they postponed applying this? So what's the deal? Allowed or not?

What's a cheap, convenient way to get from Amsterdam to Brussels?

Since Fyra stopped transportation between Amsterdam and Brussels I was wondering if there is way to get there cheaper and convenient than usual NS trains with t

Where can I rent bikes in Arnhem, The Netherlands?

I'm travelling with 4 friends to Amsterdam in March. We're planning to take the train as for a day trip in Arnhem and would like to bike around and see some of

Where can I go by boat from Amsterdam? [closed]

Where can I go by boat from Amsterdam ? What are the closest destinations, in the North Sea and how long are the trips ? Any link to a websit

Tour to (or via) Afsluitdijk

I am planing to go on a trip around Europe, and wondering if there are any buses (tour bus) or just any regular buses that go along the A7 motorway in the Nethe

Ways to travel from Leuven to Amsterdam

I want to go to Amsterdam this weekend. What are the possible modes of transportation available? I would like reach Amsterdam early morning so that my day remai

Skydiving or paragliding options in Europe [closed]

I am looking for options to have skydiving or paragliding near Amsterdam. I know both (skydiving and paragliding) are very different but I wan

How to reach Dam Square from Schiphol airport?

I'm going to Amsterdam for the first time. I want to know how to reach Dam Square from Schiphol airport.

I will go be in transit in Amsterdam - can I leave the international zone for a few minutes as a Tunisian?

I'm from Tunisia. I will go to Amsterdam. Can I leave the "international zone" and go out of the airport and then come in again? Does anyone care and wil

Can I pick up my luggage between flights with the same company?

I have a flight from Madrid to Aalborg with a stop in Amsterdam. The connection time betweeen the flight from Amsterdam and Aalborg it´s 1 hour and a half

Train and tram tickets in Amsterdam?

I know there's the OV chipcard for travel, but the empty card itself cost money. Then I have to top-up the travel value. How about the GVB 1 day card that cost

What route of transportation between Oxford and Amsterdam optimizes economy and convenience?

I am making a trip to Amsterdam in late September for a beer festival for 5 days, and I am trying to determine a means of getting there and back to Oxford that

Can I travel with a bike with n-days GVB cards in Amsterdam?

Looking at the site, the GVB 1 day (24 hours) costs € 7.50. If I have that should I buy an Bicycle supplement ​€ 1.60 for each time I wan

Quiet cities close to Brussels and Amsterdam

Me and my girlfriend are travelling for 10 days in end of June in the Netherlands. We plan to rent a car to go around. I hear that parking and driving in Bruss

Getting from Schiphol Airport to Rotterdam

I need to get from Schiphol Airport to Rotterdam Central Station. Is there a direct train? How much would a taxi cost?

Visa to get out of the airport during a 12-hour layover in Amsterdam

I'm a permanent resident of Canada, and I have my Egyptian passport. I'm going to Cairo by KLM, I will stay for more than 12 hours in the airport, and I would l

Good route for a 1-day bike trip around Amsterdam

I'd like to take a one day biking trip in Amsterdam in October, when I will be coming there for a conference. Could you recommend a scenic path/trail I could ta

Where to rent a non-city bike in Amsterdam for a reasonable price?

I'd like to rent a bike while in Amsterdam to do a little trip. Is there a bike rental, which rents decent sport bikes? It seems like most rentals are aimed at