Category "airport-security"

Sleeping overnight at Reagan National (DCA) airport

I am trying to book a domestic flight to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) at the end of this month. The itinerary I am looking is such that the f

How much hand sanitizer can be taken through airport security in the EU?

The US TSA recently increased the amount of liquid hand sanitizer allowed through airport security to 12oz up from 3.4oz (the usual rule for liquids). What abou

What kind of nail scissors have a good chance of being allowed in hand (carry-on) luggage in the EU?

I like to travel with hand luggage only when possible, but I also like to take nail scissors with me. From what I've read, it sounds like scissors shorter than

Can we avoid paying import duty for a work laptop temporarily shipped to India via DHL?

My girlfriend is an Indian national who has been living in the UK for more than 10 years and now has Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. Just recently,

Bringing HIV Medications from Pakistan to Kyrgyzstan for a friend

A friend is asking me to buy his HIV and Hepatitis C medicines from Pakistan and travel with them to Kyrgyzstan, where he lives. His doctor here in Pakistan has

Are my scuba fins likely to be acceptable "personal items" for air travel?

In January I will be traveling to Belize for a week, and intend to do a fair bit of scuba diving. For that, I'd like to bring my 26" fins, and ideally, I'd like

Can you request a frisk search be performed by an opposite sex officer at the airport?

This is something I've wondered. I watch border security shows (Australia Front Line, Nothing To Declare UK, Border Security Canada) and when customs officers a

Why does one sometimes have to go through two subsequent security gates at El Alto International Airport (LPB, La Paz, Bolivia)?

I took a flight from El Alto International Airport (LPB, La Paz, Bolivia) to Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport (CUZ, Cusco, Peru), and passengers for this flight

Can I bring a single shot of live ammunition onto the plane from US to UK as a souvenir?

I’m on holiday in the US and I’m planning on going to shoot some guns at the gun range. As a souvenir, I would like to bring a single shot of ammo (

How much electronics and other valuables can I bring duty-free when going to India?

I am planning to travel to India (COK airport, Kerala) from United States. I want to take my laptop as well as my tablet (iPad). Am I allowed to take both in my

How much electronics and other valuables can I bring duty-free when going to India?

I am planning to travel to India (COK airport, Kerala) from United States. I want to take my laptop as well as my tablet (iPad). Am I allowed to take both in my

Can I bring an 18x6x6 inch Metal Box on Flight?

So I need to travel a very short domestic flight with a handmade box. It has some components I'm not so sure would be allowed through TSA, which are: Metal Rail

Airline abbreviated infant's first name to single letter. Problem?

There are already a lot of questions on this site regarding ticket/passport name mismatches, but here is one with an extra twist: We just booked a flight from B

When traveling with airplanes internationally, do they scan/check the non-hand baggage which is separated from the people area in the plane?

If I were to book a ticket to travel to somewhere in the USA from Europe right now, and I bring one large traveling bag and one small backpack with me, with the

How do you get the wrong boarding pass in these high security computerised days?

Something happened to me about 3 years ago, and I have been wondering ever since about how such a thing can happen in these days when security is taken so serio

How do you prevent somebody from stealing your luggage when traveling by air?

I've basically never flown. So I'm asking as somebody who has near-zero experience with airports. Especially modern ones. I very much worry that, after my lugga

How to travel with large amounts of cash?

I know it's required to fill FinCEN 105 for $10,000+ flying internationally. However, I was wondering about my particular situation. I live in the US and plan t

flying within the US with a cactus in carryon

I'll be flying domestically within the US from a part of the country where cacti are common to one where they aren't. As a small token gift I'd like to bring a

Will a wire frame trekking backpack get past security in the US and EU?

My Gregory backpack contains a 55 cm wire frame, which can be removed (see photo). I would like to take it as carry-on. Could getting past security be a problem

What does it mean if you are "red flagged" at the airport even before you go through security? [closed]

My story is very long and complicated and full of conspiracy theories as to what happened so I'm just going to keep it simple and just ask, ho