Category "airport-security"

Are body scanners mandatory at Charles de Gaulle airport?

Currently considering different options to fly from Spain (Schengen, EU) to Tokyo (non-Schengen, Japan). One of the options is to do a layover in CDG (Charles d

Likelihood of accidentally checking in passport with luggage

Out of curiosity: how likely is it that you end up in a foreign country with your passport inside your checked-in luggage, and are there specific safeguards in

Am I allowed to carry shampoo, Oil, etc via India-UK airport after recent hair transplantation?

I recently had a hair transplantation in New Delhi, India (1 month ago). Now I need to move to London, UK on work permit. Am I allowed to carry Shampoo and O

How to convince airport security that I am not dangerous when having metallic parts in my body?

I had an operation some time ago and now I have small screws in my shoulder which will not be removed anymore. When I decided to fly for vacation, I supposed th

Can I put new wrist watch in checked or carry-on bag?

My parents are flying from India to China. They have a newly purchased wrist watch to carry. Is it allowed to put the watch in either checked-in or carry-on bag

What happens if you forget a laptop battery in your checked luggage? (in Europe) [closed]

Let's say you buy a spare battery for your laptop and forget to put it in your carry-on (as per IATA rules). What happens next? Some possible

Is it possible to buy luggage after security to check in (Airport is SFO if that matters)?

I'm planning for someone who isn't going to be able to get proper luggage before going to the airport. They're going to be leaving from SFO, and want to know if

if i have a 5oz container of cologne (liquid), but it is only 15ml, will i be able to take it on the plane? [duplicate]

Will I be able to take it without having to throw it away? Do they measure on ounces or milliliters? its a 5oz bottle (not all the way full -u

Is my leather pouch blocking bag x-ray scanners?

When I travel, I usually carry a backpack and inside, a small leather pouch with various creams and perfumes inside along with a laptop in a laptop briefcase-st

Can I take balloons on a flight?

Mother's day in my family always involves a bouquet of balloons. Mom wanted to take the balloons we gave her home on the plane but in this hyper security aware

How likely is it for Israeli airport security to withhold my laptop and send it on later?

I’ll be visiting Jordan and Israel soon in a guided (recreational) group tour. The group will be some 20 people in size. The organiser gave us beautiful l

Am I able to carry on a small Swiss army knife?

I usually carry around a small Swiss army kit my set of keys which contains a small knife inside the slot which is about 1 inch in height and very thin (see lin

Can I wear a tin foil hat on a commercial flight?

Reading this question got me thinking... Suppose someone is extremely paranoid, would they be allowed to board a flight wearing a tin foil hat? Obviously, thi

How much electronics and other valuables can I bring duty-free when going to India?

I am planning to travel to India (COK airport, Kerala) from United States. I want to take my laptop as well as my tablet (iPad). Am I allowed to take both in my

Can I bring prescription cream to the US?

I recently got anti-bacterial cream from my GP. I need to apply it twice a day every day for 2 weeks. I am going to the US on the 2nd of June, can I bring it wi

Amount of liquid to bring on carry-in luggage - Philippines

Can you clarify the rules for liquid in carry-on luggage from the Philippines? It says here that Containers for LAGs in your carry-on baggage must be one hu

Travelling with a portable Stove and fuel canisters

I am planning to order a portable stove and the fuel canisters (may or may not be empty) from US. Reason of not having it shipped to India is: The particular pr

Can I take a US domestic flight as a foreigner without my passport? [duplicate]

I'm a foreigner in the US with a J1 visa. I don't have my passport with me and I have a flight from Boston to Miami. Can I fly without the pas

Travelling with mobile phones with discharged batteries

I seem to recall some rule coming in to force about not being able to board a flight with a mobile phone that had a flat battery (wouldn't turn on) (introduced

If I apply for TSA Pre-Check now, can I use it on a flight that I've already booked?

I have just applied for TSA Pre-Check and will have my appointment in a couple of days where I show the officials my personal identification documents. I have a