Category "aircraft"

How to find out which way airliners bank on takeoff and landing

How can a layperson airline passenger find out (including in advance from wind forecasts etc) whether an airline will bank left or right, after takeoff and befo

Why do emergency oxygen systems on passenger planes have a bag that doesn't inflate?

Anyone who flies knows by heart the fact that, although oxygen is flowing, the bag may not inflate. So what purpose does the "bag" serve?

Finnair power sockets

I am flying with Finnair for the first time and I am going to spend 10+ hours in the airplane. I had asked Finnair, how can I power my laptop on-board. And the

Travel charger usage on the plane (KLM)

Has any had any experience of charging mobile devices on the plane? I am catching a flight to NY from London (KLM/Delta Airlines) and need to be entertained usi

What is this "bird like" plane?

So, I'm sat at London Heathrow's Terminal 5, looking out the window while waiting for a flight, and a plane that looks to me to most intents and purposes like a

How should I act if I'm assigned to a seat near an emergency exit?

I usually fly in Economy class and try to keep the cost low, but I also like to take a window seat (who doesn't?) if possible. I know airlines only give window

Is it possible to fly both the Airbus 380 and the Boeing 787 in one trip?

Would it be possible to compare the user experience in both the airbus 380 and the Boeing 787 in one (return) trip? I don't mind making connecting flights inb

How can I know about the type of the airplane before booking

How can I know the type of an airplane before reservation? I want to know if it is Boeing or Airbus and the model if it's possible. Can I use websites such as S

Which airplane is the safest?

Is there some source or research on crash statistics for each type of airplane? For example I want to know the number of crashes, fatalities, and the dates. I w

Transporting meat from the UK to the US

So I'm in the UK right now and will be returning to the US in a few days and would like to bring back a particular foodstuff with me (sausage) to share with som

Why are some airplane seats numbered "DEK"?

I'm in an Avianca Airbus A320 and the seats are numbered ABC, DEK. Any particular reason why not "DEF"?

Where is the safest place in an airplane? [duplicate]

Is there such a thing at all? I feel the front is dangerous because it may hit the ground first. I also feel that near the wings is not safe b

Why do airlines gate check bags when there is still overhead space?

On a recent flight, an airline employee (either gate agent or flight attendant) who had just stepped out of the plane told my family that there was no more room

Why must I lock the door of an aircraft lavatory before the light inside fully brightens?

When I step into an aircraft lavatory, the light is off and there is an indicator light saying to lock the door. Once I do lock the door, the light turns on, an

Strange knob on airplanes?

I have noticed this strange knob on flights typically near the video screen (in this case on the right and is underneath the USB port). Is there a use to thi

Is there room for a rollaboard in a CRJ-200 overhead bin?

I've got a flight coming up on a CRJ-200. I know this is a smaller plane — is there room in the overhead bin for a rollaboard? I usually prefer to fly wit

What's the typical microclimate in the aircraft passenger cabin?

When preparing for a commercial jet flight it'd be nice to know how warm my clothes should be so that I don't freeze after sitting for several hours in say +16

What can you do about being forced to sit next to a very large passenger?

My mum is up in arms about that fact that she sat next to a (very) obese gentleman on her flight causing sufficient discomfort for her to grab the cabin jumpsea

History on the plane wreck in Solheimasandur as a tourist attraction?

This question is not about travelling advice, but rather about some history. On the Solheimasandur beach in Iceland, there's an abandoned plane wreck that has

If I purchase a ticket with an age condition, at which point should the condition be satisfied?

I'm going on a trip, and different ages have different prices. Should I use the age when I leave for the trip or come back from the trip? The price is for plane