Airline changes plane, boarding is done by calling names, my name not called, Service insists that I was late [closed]

Airline changes plane, boarding is done by calling names, my name not called, Service insists that I was late [closed] - Closeup of steering wheel and instrument panel in cockpit of retro basic trainer aircraft

Today my gf wanted to flight home (Berlin Tegel -> Minsk). She had booked a flight long ago with airbaltic and checked in 1h before depature. When boarding should habe started, there was a plane change all of a sudden. People panicked and where rushing the counters to know what was going on.

In the end, the boarding was done by calling the names on the fligth list one by one. At this point my gf asked one of the service workers there to help her out. She just replied that she needs to wait. So thats what she did.

After all names were called, 5 people were still there. The same service worker insisted that she called all names and therefore these 5 people were obviously late. This obviously was not true.

However, my gf and the other group of 4 called the airline hotline (no counter for airbaltic in Berlin Tegel). To my gf they responded that they will call back. While on phone, the group of 4 left (no traces, so no witnesses that she was indeed at the gate). At some point the hotline called back. Not unsurprisingly they only found, that the Service Workers at the gate had marked them as late and so there is nothig that they can do (ofc they cant -.-)

My gf is crushed. What can we do? The ticket was scanned at the security control but I am afraid thats the only proove we have that she was there in time.

// UPDATE: My gf was lucky and found the group of 4 and will exchange numbers. That at least gives me a bit of hope

Pictures about "Airline changes plane, boarding is done by calling names, my name not called, Service insists that I was late [closed]"

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Airline changes plane, boarding is done by calling names, my name not called, Service insists that I was late [closed] - A Man on a Phone Call
Airline changes plane, boarding is done by calling names, my name not called, Service insists that I was late [closed] - Inside of empty aircraft before departure

Can passenger name be changed in flight?

Read More... Currently, the tickets are non-transferable, hence, name changes on a confirmed reservation are not permissible. You will need to cancel your ticket and book a new ticket with the new passenger's name. Cancellation charges, if any, will be applicable accordingly.

What is paging call in airport?

Airlines have the ability to page passengers and announce messages in the terminal at the airport. It is often the best way to get a message to a passenger. Please contact the airline directly for paging assistance.

What is involuntary denied boarding?

Involuntarily Giving Up Your Seat (Bumping) Sometimes, when an airline asks for volunteers to give up their seats and fly on a different flight, there are not enough volunteers. When this occurs, the airline will select passengers to give up their seats. This is called \u201cinvoluntary denied boarding\u201d or \u201cbumping.\u201d

Which passengers are being called out to board first?

Passengers that check in first get on the plane first. The boarding groups are A, B and C \u2014 with each passenger assigned a number somewhere in that group. When the gate agent calls your group number, you find your place in line. Business Select tickets will get to board first (they are always A 1-15).

Flight Secrets That Are Never Told To Passengers

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Daniel Torobekov, MART PRODUCTION, Ron Lach, Kelly L