Will I be refused entry to the UK if I have stayed more than 90 days in the Schengen countries?

Will I be refused entry to the UK if I have stayed more than 90 days in the Schengen countries? - Woman Kissing Another Woman on the Forehead

I am from the US and came to Spain to be an Au Pair.
I came on a tourist visa and it's now expired by almost 4 months.
I am trying to go back home but wanted to make one last visit to the UK before heading back.

I have read a few things online that says that the UK has denied entry to those who have overstayed more than 90 days in Schengen countries.
I was hoping to hear from people with previous experience or those who know more information on the subject.

Best Answer

The UK border is very tough.

I can't give you a yes/no answer, but since you have already overstayed one visa, it would be perfectly reasonable of them to assume you are going to overstay a second one. If they think this they won't let you in. You'll be officially declined entry, it will be entered in your passport, and then good luck travelling anywhere outside of the USA on that passport.

Basically I wouldn't risk it. I've been held in an interrogation room at the UK border for a situation similar to yours. Not fun. I hadn't overstayed any visa but I was relying on older agreements between New Zealand and European states that pre-date Schengen, are still in effect, but not widely known about or understood.

Pictures about "Will I be refused entry to the UK if I have stayed more than 90 days in the Schengen countries?"

Will I be refused entry to the UK if I have stayed more than 90 days in the Schengen countries? - A Woman Showing a Placard
Will I be refused entry to the UK if I have stayed more than 90 days in the Schengen countries? - A Woman Showing Three Placards
Will I be refused entry to the UK if I have stayed more than 90 days in the Schengen countries? - Man in White Long Sleeve Shirt Holding Valentine's Day Card

What happens if you stay more than 90 days in Europe?

A non-EU national who stays in the Schengen area beyond 90 days (without a residence permit or long-stay visa) is illegally present, which can result in a re-entry ban to the Schengen area.

Does the 90 day rule apply to the UK?

The significant change comes if you plan a longer stay. Under current rules, British citizens are only permitted to stay 90 days in any 180-day period within the Schengen Area.

What happens if you stay in the Schengen Area longer than 90 days?

Under the Schengen Area rules of stay for third-country citizens, non-EU citizens entering the territory under the visa-free regime can stay for a maximum of 90 days, for every 180 days. Those who overstay this period \u2013 intentionally or unintentionally \u2013 may face penalties, including deportation and entry bans.

Can you stay in Europe for more than 3 months after Brexit?

Now that the UK is outside the EU, British passport holders can stay for a maximum of 90 days per 180-day period. UK passport holders can cross an external EU border using just a valid passport and stay anywhere in the Schengen Area for up to 3 months.

STAY IN EUROPE FOR MORE THAN 90 DAYS… JUST DO THIS! Schengen area and the 90 day rule for Van Life.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ketut Subiyanto, olia danilevich, olia danilevich, RODNAE Productions