Trains between Riga and Tartu

Trains between Riga and Tartu - Trains in Station

On Tartu's wikitravel page it states

Direct trains between Tartu and Riga are scheduled to resume after the completion of track construction.

I will be in Riga in 2 weeks and I was hoping to visit Tartu for a day trip. Since wikitravel is not always up to date, I was hoping someone here has any info about the train line Riga - Tartu. When will it be operational? (Or is it already?)

Pictures about "Trains between Riga and Tartu"

Trains between Riga and Tartu - Green and Blue Train on Rail
Trains between Riga and Tartu - Red and White Train on Rail
Trains between Riga and Tartu - White and Green Train Station

How do I get from Riga to Tartu?

The best way to get from Riga to Tartu is to bus which takes 4h 7m and costs $13 - $19. Alternatively, you can train, which costs $9 - $14 and takes 4h 45m.

Is there a direct train from Riga to Vilnius?

5. Riga to Vilnius by train. There is no direct train connection at the moment.

Are there trains in Latvia?

Trains in Latvia are operated by Pasa\u017eieru Vilciens. The main hub is the capital Riga. All trains in Latvia are regional and for most trains it's not possible to make reservations.

How do I get from Tallinn to Riga?

6 Ways How to Get from Tallinn to Riga (or from Riga to Tallinn)
  • Take a bus. TIME: 4 h 30 min. COST: 12-16\u20ac on Ecolines or 15-30\u20ac on Lux Express. ...
  • Take a train. TIME: 5 to 10 h. ...
  • Take a plane. TIME: 3 hours (1 h of flying + 1,5 h at airports + 0.5h transport from or to city centre) ...
  • Take a car. TIME: minimum 4 to 5 h.

  • From Tallinn to Riga by Train. My Epic Rail Journey through Estonia and Latvia.

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Plato Terentev, Faiz Rafid, Antony Trivet, toter yau