Nigerian Rejected: French Caribbean & Schengen Visa Denial

Nigerian Rejected: French Caribbean & Schengen Visa Denial - Brown Wooden Bridge

My boyfriend applied for a Schengen Airport Transit Visa from France and the French Overseas Territories Visa and was denied. He is from Nigeria and I am from the US. We were planning to meet in Dominica which is visa free but his flight passes through France and Guadeloupe.

I have a question about the French overseas visa application. When the form asks about entries (single, multiple) what exactly does that mean as I read conflicting information online. He needs to enter Guadeloupe for an over night layover and then would fly to Dominica. Then when leaving Dominica he has a two hour layover in Guadeloupe airport. I understand if the visa is granted it’s for 3 months. In his case would he select single or double entry?

Also how can a Nigerian show ties to their country if they are currently not working and are not married? He finished college last year but the graduate certificates have yet to be issued by the university so he’s in limbo waiting for his certificate so he can then apply for jobs. He has his marks/grades from his last semester of school but they dated in summer of 2021 and the school has given no updates in writing as to when the certificates will be issued so we are stumped as to how to prove this to the French. We are doubtful the French will understand the level of disorganization and lack of documentation which normal in Nigeria.

Lastly the reason given for rejection is he didn’t prove the purpose and conditions of the stay and we think the reason is because the embassy in Lagos lacks familiarity with the French overseas visa because after the rejection he called the consulate in Lagos and was told he should have just applied for the French short stay visa and that visa would cover him in Guadeloupe which is not accurate according to the French website so we think that was a factor for the rejection. In his appeal should we site this as a reason why we think they were wrong?

Also is he allowed to submit additional supporting documents along with his appeal?

Pictures about "Nigerian Rejected: French Caribbean & Schengen Visa Denial"

Nigerian Rejected: French Caribbean & Schengen Visa Denial - Parked Boat
Nigerian Rejected: French Caribbean & Schengen Visa Denial - Red Hammock Tied Between Two Trees
Nigerian Rejected: French Caribbean & Schengen Visa Denial - House on Body of Water

Can I apply Schengen Visa after rejection?

A common question newly rejected individuals and couples ask is \u201cCan we apply for a Schengen visa again after rejection?\u201d The answer to this question is always yes. Therefore, instead of appealing your rejected Schengen visa (or if your appeal fails), you could simply apply for a new Schengen visa.

Why Schengen visas are refused?

Occasionally, an applicant can be prone to illegal and/or dishonest behavior. Furthermore, some information that the applicant provides may not be per the rules and procedures of the visa application or the country the applicant wishes to visit. This can lead to a visa refusal.

How do I appeal a French refusal visa?

An applicant whose visa has been refused may lodge an appeal against the decision to refuse a visa to the Commission de Recours contre les D\xe9cisions de Refus de Visa, BP 83609 44036 Nantes CEDEX 1, within two months of being officially informed. This appeal must be motivated, signed and written in French.

Which is the easiest country to get Schengen Visa?

In general, Lithuania is the easiest country to obtain a Schengen Visa from, with officials granting 98.7% of applications. The nation also receives fewer applications than countries such as Germany or France, as they are extremely popular with tourists and business travellers.

These Countries will DENY ENTRY at Immigration. Vacation Disasters

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Images: Pixabay, Asad Photo Maldives, Asad Photo Maldives, Asad Photo Maldives